Outlook Mobile Access Does Not Work After You Install Exchange Server 2003 (822574)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition


After you install Exchange Server 2003, and then you try to use Microsoft Outlook Mobile Access (OMA), OMA does not work.

Additionally, when you view the contents of the Exchange Server Setup Progress.log file, you notice the following information:

[19:46:38] About to uninstall ASP.NET Device Update
[19:46:38] Process created ... waiting (-1)
[19:46:39] Ignoring exit code 0x00064c
[19:46:39] About to install ASP.NET Device Update
[19:46:39] Process created ... waiting (-1)
[19:46:40] Ignoring exit code 00000000
[19:46:40] ASP.NET Device Update was installed


This problem may occur if the Microsoft ASP.NET Device Update 2.0 component does not install successfully during Exchange Server 2003 Setup. Exchange Server 2003 Setup ignores an unsuccessful Device Update 2.0 installation and continues with the Exchange installation. However, Device Update 2.0 is required for the correct operation of OMA. The non-zero exit code in the Exchange Server Setup Progress.log file indicates that the Device Update 2.0 installation was unsuccessful.

Note Exit code 0x00064c corresponds to the following error message:
The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.


To resolve this problem, reinstall Device Update 2.0 from the Exchange Server 2003 CD-ROM. To do this, run the Dupdate.exe program from the following location on the Exchange Server 2003 CD-ROM:



Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.


To determine whether Device Update 2.0 is successfully installed, use one of the following methods.

Method 1: View Your OMA Inbox in Internet Explorer

Start Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, and then locate your OMA Inbox folder. If more than 6 items per page are displayed, Device Update 2.0 is installed successfully.

Method 2: View the DeviceUpdate.config File

View the contents of the DeviceUpdate.config file in the following default folder location:


If the following maximumRenderedPageSize attribute appears, Device Update 2.0 is successfully installed:

<case match="Mozilla/(?'major'\d+)"> maximumRenderedPageSize="300000"

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:11/8/2005
Keywords:kberrmsg kbnofix kbBug KB822574 kbAudITPRO