Visio2002: Traditional Chinese (CHT) Version of Visio Has the Wrong Startup Path (821584)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visio 2002 Professional SR-1
  • Microsoft Visio 2002 Standard SR-1
  • Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects (2002) SR-1


When you start the Traditional Chinese version of Microsoft Visio 2002 SR-1, add-in programs in the 1028\Startup folder do not run. If you examine the value for the Start-up option on the File Paths tab of the Options dialog box, you notice that it contains an extra backslash in the path: 1028\\Startup.


This problem occurs if you install Microsoft Visio 2002 SR-1 Traditional Chinese.


To work around this problem, use one of the following methods.

Fix the Startup Path Manually

Manually correct the startup path. The following corrective steps have to be performed by each Visio user of the computers that are being fixed:
  1. Start Visio.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. Click the File Paths tab.
  4. Change the value for the Start-up option to 1028\Startup.

    Note that there should only be one backslash in the path and not two.
  5. Click OK.

Change the Startup Path with Logon Script

To deploy a workaround to many computers, the network administrator may include the following code in the logon script to correct the relevant registry value.
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and the tools that are used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about Microsoft Certified Partners, see the following Microsoft Web site:For additional information about the support options available from Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
'------------ SampleLogin.VBS ---------------------------
' sample windows script to Fix-up 1028\\Startup path in Traditional Chinese Visio 2002
' 1. If registry contains "\\", machine is potentailly affected by this problem
'     --> Replace "\\" with "\" except if beginning the string or immediately after semi colon (UNC)
' 2. If key is missing
'    --> Check list of installed products for any version 10 products containing the name
'		"Microsoft Visio Standard", Microsoft Visio Professional" or "Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects"
'		Check local package for ProductLanguage if InstallDate is latest
'		Builds startup Path <ProductLanguage>\Startup and stores in HKCU

	CONST STRKEY = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Visio\Application\StartUpPath"
	Dim astrPaths			'Array of paths in StartUpPaths option
	Dim strRegValOriginal	'Original Registry Value for StartUpPath
	Dim strFolder			'Individual folders listed in semicolon separated values of paths
	Dim i, lngSlash			'array index and wack-wack string location
	Dim WshShell			'Windows Scripting Host Shell
	Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	on error resume next

	strRegValOriginal = WshShell.RegRead(STRKEY)	'Search for registry key
	If err.Number = -2147024894 Then							'Key doesn't exist
		strFolder = LastVisioLang()					'Start Folder with Visio language last installed
		If "" = strFolder Then						'Visio isn't installed
'			WScript.Echo "Visio isn't installed"
			WScript.Quit(1)							'Return Error number
		Else										'Otherwise Visio appears to be installed
			strFolder = strFolder & "\" & STRFOLDERDEFAULT
			WshShell.RegWrite STRKEY,strFolder,"REG_SZ" 
		End If
	ElseIf err.number <> 0 Then		'This is some other error 
	ElseIf instr(1,strRegValOriginal,"\\",vbTextCompare) Then	'Registry key already existed & with \\
		astrPaths = Split(strRegValOriginal,";")	'if semicolon delimited, check each path
		For i = 0 to UBound(astrPaths)
			strFolder = astrPaths(i)
			strFolder = left(strFolder,1) & Replace(strFolder,"\\","\",2)	'replace \\ except UNC
			astrPaths(i) = strFolder				'put back into array

		strFolder = Join(astrPaths,";")				'merge the array back into delim list
'		WScript.Echo "Old:  " & strRegValOriginal & vbCrLf & "New:  " & strFolder  '<= Comment this out
		If strFolder <> strRegValOriginal Then
			WshShell.RegWrite STRKEY, strFolder, "REG_SZ"
		End If
'		WScript.Echo "Fixup Not Needed"
	End IF
	Function LastVisioLang()
		Dim WinInstaller		'Windows Installer
		Dim instProducts		'Collection of Products currently installed
		Dim instProduct			'Individual Product Code...installed
		Dim strProductName		'Name of the product installed
		Dim astrProducts		'Array of Visio Names
		Dim intProduct			'Array index
		Dim dteMaxDate			'Latest install date of products matching names
		Dim strLCID				'Language code for inspected product
		Dim strLastLang			'Last language version of Visio installed
		Dim instSession			'Locally cached MSI containing language id
		'--------- initialize variables ----------------------------------------------
		astrProducts = Array("Microsoft Visio Standard", "Microsoft Visio Professional", _ 
							"Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects")	'Qualifying Names
		dteMaxDate = CDate(0)
		strLastLang = ""
		Set WinInstaller = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
		Set instProducts = WinInstaller.Products
		For Each instProduct in instProducts
			strProductName = WinInstaller.ProductInfo(Product,"ProductName")
			For intProduct = 0 To Ubound(astrProducts)
				If Instr(1, strProductName,astrProducts(intProduct),vbTextCompare) Then 'matches
					If DateDiff("s",dteMaxDate, _ 
						CDate(WinInstaller.ProductInfo(Product,"InstallDate"))) > 0 Then	'Installed later
						Set instSession = WinInstaller.OpenPackage( _ 
						WinInstaller.ProductInfo(Product,"LocalPackage"))	'Open locally cached msi
						strLCID = instSession.Property("ProductLanaguage")
						If err.number = 0 Then			'Product Language locally cached
							strLastLang = strLCID		'store LCID of newest install
						End If
						Set instSession = Nothing
					End If
					Exit For		'Match already found...look no further for this product
				End If
		LastVisioLang = strLastLang
	End Function
'------------------- End of Sample -------------------


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/27/2006
Keywords:kbcode kbBug kbQFE KB821584 kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO