CD-ROM Drives Compatible with ProAudio Spectrum Card (82032)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Windows 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows with Multimedia Extensions 1.0

This article was previously published under Q82032


Below is a list of CD-ROM drives that are compatible with the ProAudio Spectrum card.

If your CD-ROM drive is not on this list, it will NOT work with the ProAudio Spectrum card. If it is on this list and you would like to use the ProAudio Spectrum's SCSI interface to control the CD-ROM drive, please contact Media Vision Sales at (800) 845-5870 to order an Internal SCSI Cable/Driver Kit or an External SCSI Cable/Driver Kit.


The following drives are listed as compatible with the ProAudio Spectrum card:
Internal Drives     Model
---------------     -----

Chinon              CDS-431   Please contact Chinon at (310) 533-0274
                              to get the 40-pin to 50-pin converter.
Hitachi             CDR-3650
NEC                 CDR-80, CDR-82, CDR-83
Sony                CDU-541
Texel               DM-3020, DM-3021
Toshiba             XM-3201B

External Drives

Apple               CD-SC (Sony CDU-8001)
CD Technologies     Porta-Drive
Chinon              CDX-431
Denon               DRD-253
Hitachi             CDR-1553S, CDR-1650, CDR-1750S
IBM                 3510
Laser Magnetics     CM212, CM214, CM231
NEC                 CDR-35, CDR-36, CDR-72, CDR-73, CDR-77
Panasonic           CR-501-S
Pioneer             DRM-600 6-disc changer
Sony                CDU-6211
Texel               DM-3010, DM-3120, DM-5020, DM-5021, DM-5120,
                    DM-7120A, DM-7120B
Toshiba             XM-3201A, XM-3301, XM-5100A

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/19/2005