WD2000: The "File Conversion Encoding" Dialog Box Appears When You Open Text File (817140)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Word 2000

IMPORTANT : This article contains information about modifying the registry. Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry


When you open a text file in Microsoft Word, the File Conversion Encoding dialog box may appear.


Word may automatically detect the encoding standard that is used in a text file. If the file's encoding standard matches the default encoding standard that is used to save files as plain text in the version of Microsoft Windows that you are running, Word opens the file directly. However, if Word cannot determine the encoding standard of the text file that you are opening, Word displays the File Conversion Encoding dialog box so that you can select the encoding standard that you want to use to open the file.


Part 1: Download and Install the Fix

A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem that is described in this article. Only apply it to systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you are not severely affected by this problem, we recommend that you wait for the next Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack that contains this hotfix.

To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the fix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone numbers and information about support costs, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Note In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.
The global version of this fix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table. The dates and times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC). When you view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the difference between UTC and local time, use the Time Zone tab in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
   Date         Time   Size       File name
   21-Mar-2003  11:43  1,578,452  Winwordop.msp  (client)
   21-Mar-2003  12:09  4,781,732  Winwordff.msp  (full file)
After the hotfix is installed, the following files will have the listed attributes or later:
Date        Time  Version    Size      File name 
20-Mar-2003 11:16 8,826,932 Winword.exe
Important Information Before You Install the Hotfix
  • The Client version of this fix is a post-Office 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP-3) fix. To install the fix, you must have Microsoft Office 2000 SP-3 installed. For additional information about Office 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP-3), click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    326585 OFFXP: Overview of the Office 2000 Service Pack 3

  • The Client version of this fix requires Windows Installer 2.0 or later. For additional information about the Windows Installer requirement, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    811002 OFF2000: Office 2000 Updates and Patches Released After November 2002 May Require Windows Installer 2.0

Part 2: Activate the Update

WARNING : If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
To activate this fix, follow these steps:
  1. Quit all Microsoft Office programs.
  2. Click Start , and then click Run .
  3. In the Open box, type regedit , and then click OK .
  4. Locate the following registry key, and then click to select it:


  5. With the Options key selected, point to New on the Edit menu , and then click DWORD .
  6. Type DefaultCPG and then press Enter.
  7. Right-click DefaultCPG , and then click Modify .
  8. In the Value data box, type 1252 and then click OK .
  9. On the File menu, click Exit to quit Registry Editor.
Note The value of the registry key is the code page that you want to use as default. In the example, the number for the Windows Latin-1 code page is used (1252).


Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures. Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more information about Microsoft Certified Partners, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about the support options that are available and about how to contact Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

212536 OFF2000: How to Run Sample Code from Knowledge Base Articles

To prevent Word from displaying the File Conversion Encoding dialog box, create a macro similar to the following. This macro opens the text file with the encoding scheme that you specify:
Sub MyOpenDocumentMacro()

      ' Replace the File Name example with the path of your text file. 
      Documents.Open FileName:="C:\My documents\Address.txt", _ 
         Format:=wdOpenFormatText, Encoding:=msoEncodingUSASCII 

End Sub
For more information about the Encoding property, in the Visual Basic Editor, click Microsoft Visual Basic Help on the Help menu, type encoding in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topic.


When a text file is encoded, it is saved according to an encoding standard. The encoding standard is a set of rules that assigns a numeric value to each text character in the file.

Many different encoding standards exist to represent the character sets that are used in different languages. Some encoding standards support the characters that are used only in a particular language. For example, a text file written in Simplified Chinese may use the GB2312-80 encoding standard, and a text file written in Traditional Chinese may use Big5.

Because Word is based on the Unicode encoding standard, you can use Word to open and save files in encoding standards for many different languages. For example, you can use Word to open a text file that is encoded in a Greek or Japanese encoding standard on an English-language system.

For more information about encoded text files, click Microsoft Word Help on the Help menu, type about encoded text files in the Office Assistant or the Answer Wizard, and then click Search to view the topics returned.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/11/2006
Keywords:kbQFE KBHotfixServer kbOffice2000preSP4fix kbprb KB817140