Support WebCast: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, UNC, and Remote Storage (813776)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Internet Information Services version 6.0

Session Summary

Configuring Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) with content remote storage has always been a challenge because of security and scale issues in previous versions of IIS. IIS 6.0, shipping in Microsoft Windows Server 2003, is the first version of the Web server where this scenario has been optimized to work for high volume and high site density (such as shared hosting) environments. Rich and the IIS team will discuss the situations where an infrastructure architect would build this type of configuration, the benefits and tradeoffs, and the details of configuring and optimizing IIS 6.0 with remote file servers. They will also discuss examples of Microsoft sites and customers who have successfully deployed IIS 6.0 with remote storage solutions.

This is a Level 200 session that was recorded February 26, 2003 and presented by Richard Ersek & David Cox. Richard Ersek is a Lead Program Manager with the IIS team in the Windows Server product group. In his eight years at Microsoft, he has helped develop component services and IIS in several versions of the Windows operating system.
David Cox is Software Tester with the IIS team in the Windows Server product group

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Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/4/2004
Keywords:kbdownload kbtshoot kbtshoot kbWebCastSupport KB813776 kbAudITPRO