BUG: PCO Targeting Does Not Succeed When Content Expression Begins with a Left Bracket (811503)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Solution Offering - Microsoft Solution for Internet Business


When you use Microsoft Solution for Internet Business (MSIB) Business Desk to create a target expression that begins with a left bracket character ([), the expression does not succeed, and the corresponding Personalized Content Object (PCO) is not displayed.


To work around this problem, use a matching right bracket character (]) in the target expression. The right bracket character (]) must appear in the target expression after the left bracket character ([) so that the expression is between the brackets.


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.


Steps to Reproduce the Behavior

  1. Open MSIB Business Desk. On the Targeting menu, click Content Expressions.

    Note This menu may be visible only if you run the Adventureworks_Campaigns.sql SQL script against the Campaigns database, and then you run the Adventureworks_Profiles.sql SQL script against the Profiles database.
  2. Select CorporateInfo, and then click View Properties.
  3. Replace the existing text of the target expression with Profile Keywords contains [.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Content menu, click Page Profiles.
  6. Locate, and then open the Better prices than ever! page.
  7. Replace the existing profile keyword with [.
  8. Save the changes that you have made, and then click Back.
  9. Click Publish Profiles.
  10. Open the corresponding site, and then select the About Us page.
  11. Select View PCOs. The Better prices than ever! page is not displayed.


For more information about MSIB, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Microsoft Solutions for Internet Business

For more information about Business Desk, visit the following MSDN Web site:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/5/2003
Keywords:kbbug KB811503 kbAudDeveloper