INF: New Switches in MSDE Service Pack 3 Setup (810826)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) SP3
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) SP3a


This article also applies to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a (SP3a).

Because most changes introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a are related to setup, you do not have to apply Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3a to instances of SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000) that have already been upgraded to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3).

However, if you have instances that have not been upgraded to SQL Server 2000 SP3, you must upgrade those instances directly to SQL Server 2000 SP3a instead of SQL Server 2000 SP3. If you have any copies of the SQL Server 2000 SP3 download files that you were planning to use for future upgrades, you must delete those copies and use either the SQL Server 2000 SP3a download files or the SQL Server 2000 SP3a CD-ROM instead.

For applications that distribute and install MSDE 2000, install SQL Server 2000 SP3a instead of SQL Server 2000 SP3.

While you can apply SQL Server 2000 SP3a to instances of SQL Server 2000 SP3 or MSDE 2000 SP3, doing so has little effect on those instances.

For more information about SQL Server 2000 SP3a, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a

SQL Server 2000 SP3 introduces new switches for the Setup.exe in the Desktop Engine (MSDE) setup. This article briefly describes the new switches.


Here is a list and a brief description of the new switches.

Enables cross-database ownership chaining.

For additional information about cross-database chaining, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

810474 Cross Database Chaining

Formerly, this was USEDEFAULTSAPWD. This switch overrides the default behavior of the installer. This switch prevents installation with a blank sa password.

If you set BLANKSAPWD=1, you can perform an installation with a blank sa password.
Regardless of whether an instance of Desktop Engine is using Microsoft Windows or Mixed Mode authentication, the Setup cannot continue if a blank password is detected for the sa logon. A warning message appears if a blank password is detected. If you have a blank password for the sa logon, before you continue you must change the password by using the sp_password stored procedure.

You can add an entry to the Property table by using a Windows Installer database editing tool such as Orca.exe to assign specific internal properties used in the SQL Server 2000 SP3 MSDE merge modules to a specific value. For example, to set the instance name, you add an entry to the Property table and assign the SqlInstanceName property a specific value. SQL Server 2000 MSDE merge modules uses the new internal properties that are listed in this table:

External PropertyInternal Property

Note: The internal properties are case-sensitive.

Warning: The use of blank passwords is strongly discouraged.

Formerly, SAPASSWORD="sa_password" .
Specifies the sa password. You can use this option for new installations. Unlike other properties, the SAPWD property is hidden and the value is not written to the log file.

If you specify both SAPWD and BLANKSAPWD, SAPWD takes precedence and BLANKSAPWD is ignored.

Important: If you are using an .ini file during set up, avoid storing credentials in the .ini file.

For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

285103 BUG: BOL Incorrect on SAPASSWORD and USEDEFAULTSAPWD Options for SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine Installation

Specifies the logon that will be used when you upgrade Desktop Engine by using SQL Server Authentication. The logon must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.

UPGRADEPWD= sa_password
Specifies the password for the logon that is used when you upgrade Desktop Engine by using SQL Server Authentication.

You can specify setup parameters either on a command line or in an .ini file. For more information, see the "Customizing Desktop Engine Setup.exe" topic in SQL Server Books Online.

Important: Avoid storing credentials in an .ini file.

To customize the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) installation that uses merge modules, edit the Property table of the .msi file and set the Internal Property to a specific value, as described earlier in this article. The following table shows the mapping between the parameters (command-line switches) and their corresponding Internal Property:

External PropertyInternal Property

How to Upgrade an Existing Instance of Desktop Engine

SQL Server 2000 SP3 introduces a new switch for upgrading the Desktop Engine. The /upgradesp switch replaces the /p switch. When you use this new switch, you have two options, depending on the information that you have about the instance of Desktop Engine that you are upgrading. You must either know the instance name (the default is MSSQLSERVER), or you must know what .msi file was originally used to install the Desktop Engine.

If you know the instance name, use the /upgradesp switch, as shown in this example:
Setup.exe /upgradesp SQLRUN INSTANCENAME=instance_name

In this case, the installer uses the instance name to determine what .msi file was originally used to install Desktop Engine.

Note: When you upgrade the default instance, you do not have to specify INSTANCENAME.

You can install the Desktop Engine with one of 16 .msi files (SqlRun01.msi through SqlRun16.msi). If you know the name of the original .msi file that was used to install Desktop Engine, you can specify it to the complete path for the SQL Server 2000 SP3 .msi file of the same name, as shown in this example:
Setup.exe /upgradesp c:\SQL2KSP3\MSDE\Setup\SqlRun03.msi

In this example, C:\SQL2KSP3\MSDE\Setup represents the location of the SQL Server 2000 SP3 .msi files. SqlRun03.msi is the name of the .msi file used in the original installation.

If you do not know either the instance name or the original .msi file, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

311762 INF: How to Identify Which MSI File Was Used for an Existing MSDE Installation

This article describes how to determine the name of the original .msi file.


281983 PRB: Cannot Specify Instance Name Using SQL Server 2000 Merge Modules

255905 HOWTO: Use the Orca Database Editor to Edit Windows Installer Files

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/27/2003
Keywords:kbUpgrade kbsetup KB810826 kbAudDeveloper