CodeView Prior to 3.14 May Cause Data Loss with SMARTDrive 4.0 (81795)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows 3.11

This article was previously published under Q81795


If you use CodeView (CV.EXE) versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, 3.12, or 3.13 with SMARTDrive version 4.0, file allocation table (FAT) corruption may occur. To run these versions of CodeView safely, use the CV.COM file included with MS-DOS 5.0. If CV.COM is not available on the system (that is, MS-DOS 5.0 is not being run), you need to update CodeView to version 3.14 or later.


To use CV.COM with MS-DOS 5.0:
  1. Copy the CV.COM file from the distribution disks to the directory that contains your CV.EXE file.
  2. Type the following to start CodeView:




  3. If you start CodeView by using a batch file or program item in a shell (such as MS-DOS Shell), change the batch file or program item so that it specifies CV.COM instead of CV.EXE.
  4. Make sure that you are using HIMEM.SYS version 3.07, which shipped with Microsoft Windows 3.1. If you don't use HIMEM.SYS version 3.07 with SMARTDrive 4.0 and CodeView, data corruption may still occur.
This problem has been corrected in CodeView version 3.14. For information about obtaining CodeView, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center (MSIC) at (800) 426-9400.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/15/2003