VB Custom Controls Support only Certain Picture Formats (80779)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 2.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming system for Windows

This article was previously published under Q80779


The Load Picture dialog box for the 3-D Command Button, 3-D Group Push Button, Gauge, and Picture Clip custom controls include the extensions for picture formats that are invalid formats for these controls.


The 3-D Command Button, 3-D Group Push Button, Gauge, and Picture Clip custom controls use the same dialog box that Visual Basic uses to assign pictures to certain properties. However, not all .BMP, .ICO, and .WMF files are valid picture formats for the properties of these controls.

The following table lists the valid formats for the picture properties of custom controls and the error messages displayed if an invalid picture format is used:
                                        Valid     Error Message if
Control                Property         Formats   Invalid Format

3-D Command Button     Picture          .BMP,     "Only Picture
                                        .ICO      Formats '.BMP' and
                                                  '.ICO' supported."

3-D Group Push Button  PictureUp,       .BMP      "Only Picture Format
                       PictureDn,                 '.BMP' supported."

Gauge                  Picture          .BMP,     "Invalid Picture."

Picture Clip           Picture          .BMP      "Only Picture Format
                                                  '.BMP' supported."
For additional information on Visual Basic version 2.0 custom controls, review the Professional Features manual.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/18/2003