INFO: Extracting Month and Year from ASCII File with BCP (67658)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 4.2x

This article was previously published under Q67658


The following information describes how to use BCP (bulk copy program) to extract just the month and the year from an ASCII file with a column that has a date of "mm/dd/yy" in it.


Using a format file, BCP can be instructed to skip information or entire fields. For example, suppose a table is defined as the following:
   create table bcpin
     ( f1 char(4),
       f2 char(2),
       f3 char(2),
       f4 char(5))

And you want to load in an ASCII file with the following information in it:

To do this, you need to edit a format file to include a field of the length that you want to skip, and then map this to column 0 (zero) on the server. For a more detailed explanation of this procedure, query on the following words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
   skip and bcp and identifies and prod(sqlndk)

The following is a sample format file:
1    SYBCHAR   0    4    ""   1    f1
2    SYBCHAR   0    2    ""   2    f2
3    SYBCHAR   0    4    ""   0    Dummy
4    SYBCHAR   0    2    ""   3    f3
5    SYBCHAR   0    5    "\r\n"    4    f4

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:2/14/2005
Keywords:kbinfo KB67658