PRB: CV2206 Warning: Corrupt OMF Detected in <filename> (66702)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 2.2
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 3.0
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 3.11
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 3.14
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 4.0
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 4.01
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 4.05
  • Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS 4.1
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 3.05
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 3.06
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 3.07
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 4.01
  • Microsoft CodeView for Windows 4.1

This article was previously published under Q66702


An attempt to debug, in CodeView source mode, an application developed with the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) fails. CodeView generate the following message:
CV2206 Warning: Corrupt debug OMF detected in <filename>, discarding source line information


Code segments in the application do not have the class "CODE".


Modify the source code to specify the correct segment class and rebuild the application.


According to page 104 of the "Macro Assembler Programmer's Guide" for version 5.1:

The CodeView debugger also expects code segments to have the class name 'CODE'. If you fail to assign a class type to a code segment, or if you give it a class type other than 'CODE', then labels may not be properly aligned for symbolic debugging.

The following code example demonstrates this situation:

Sample Code

; Assembler options needed: None

; To enable CodeView debugging, add 'CODE' to the following line
_text segment para public

begin    proc
      mov ah, 4ch
      int 21h
begin    endp

_text ends
      end begin

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/23/2003
Keywords:kb16bitonly kbBug kbDebug kberrmsg kbprb KB66702