Adding a Category in QuickHelp (66631)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft HELPMAKE Utility for MS-DOS 1.07
  • Microsoft HELPMAKE Utility for OS/2 1.07

This article was previously published under Q66631


When creating a help database with HELPMAKE, new categories may be added to the Microsoft Advisor help system for use in the QuickHelp utility. To add selections that will appear under the QuickHelp Categories menu, use the topic "List categories." Under the List categories topic, list the selections that need to be added to the menu.


The following is a sample help file:

      .context List categories

      .context Category1
      This is the information under the first category.

      .context Category2
      This is the information under the second category.
For the file CATEGORY.TXT shown above, the HELPMAKE command line will appear as follows:

helpmake /E8 /Ocategory.hlp category.txt

The choice of /E8 for partial compression is strictly arbitrary in this case, and is shown for demonstration purposes only. The maximum compression can be achieved by using /E15, and no compression is denoted by /E0.

When the above help database is added to the list of databases for the Advisor, the topics "Category1" and "Category2" will be added under the Categories menu.

The items that are placed in the List categories topic should be topics that are already defined with ".context" strings; otherwise, when the item is selected from the Categories menu, a message will be displayed stating that the topic could not be found.

When using HELPMAKE with the "/C" option, which preserves case sensitivity, you must use the string "List categories" exactly. The case is important. Failure to use the exact case for each letter will cause the Advisor to ignore the categories you have added.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/23/2003
Keywords:kb16bitonly KB66631 kbAudDeveloper