Windows 3.0 Supplemental Driver Library; Network Install (66267)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Windows 3.0a

This article was previously published under Q66267


The following information is taken from the NETSDL.TXT and README.TXT files included with the Windows 3.0 Supplemental Driver Library.


Installing Windows 3.00 Supplemental Driver Library on a Network

This file is intended for system administrators or anyone else who
will install the drivers in this package onto a network for use with a
shared copy of Windows.

1. Create a new directory on the network drive for the supplemental
   drivers you are going to install. It might be most convenient to
   make this directory a subdirectory of the Windows directory.

   This new directory should not be the Windows system directory,
   where the original Windows device drivers were installed.

2. Copy all of the files in the Supplemental Driver Library disks
   to the directory you created in Step 1.

3. Copy all of the files in the new directory to the Windows

   There will then be two copies of these files on your network
   drive. Both sets of drivers are necessary in order to ensure
   that these drivers will work properly on the users' systems.

4. Delete the file OEMSETUP.INF from the Windows directory.

   This ensures that this version of OEMSETUP.INF won't be
   overwritten by another file with the same name.

   You should not delete the copy of OEMSETUP.INF that is in the
   directory you created in Step 1.

Once these steps are completed, users of the shared copy of Windows
will have access to these drivers.

The only exception is display drivers. To use one of the display
drivers included in this package, the user will need to run Setup from
MS-DOS using the following procedure. (This procedure is not necessary
for users who will not be using one of these display drivers.)

1. Exit Windows.

2. Type the following at the DOS prompt and then press ENTER:

      setup /n

3. Press the UP ARROW key to select the Display setting and then
   press ENTER.

4. Scroll to the bottom of the list using the DOWN ARROW key.

5. Select Other and press ENTER.

6. Type the pathname of the display driver and press ENTER.

   The driver will be located on the subdirectory created in
   Step 1 of the previous set of instructions.

   Setup then updates your WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files to correspond
   to the new driver and then displays an updated list of your

7. Press ENTER to complete the process.

8. Start Windows.

The preceding procedure might not work if the user has a local copy of
Setup. In this case, the user will have to manually change the
settings in the SYSTEM.INI file and possibly take additional actions.
If you cannot use Setup /n to gain access to a Supplemental Library
display driver from the network, follow the instructions that follow.

Manually Installing an SDL Display Driver from a Network
to a Local Workstation

You do not need to read the information in the following section
unless you were unable to use Setup to configure a user's system to
use a Supplemental Library display driver that is on a network share.

Printing this file: You should print this file in landscape mode (11
inches wide, 8.5 inches high) so that the table in this document will
not run off the page.

To manually configure a workstation to gain access to an SDL display
driver on a network, follow these steps:

1. Open your SYSTEM.INI file using a text editor, such as Notepad.
   This file should be located in your Windows directory.

2. Locate the following four settings in SYSTEM.INI. In the [boot]
   section, locate the display.drv= and 386grabber= settings. In the
   [boot.description] section, locate the display.drv= setting. In the
   [386Enh] section, locate the display= setting. Note that the [386Enh]
   section is footnoted. See below.

3. Look up the display driver you want to use in the following list
   and change the corresponding SYSTEM.INI values (the values are what
   appears to the right of the equal sign) to those shown on the list.

   The following notation applies to the list below:

      [386Enh] display=

      (1) vddati.386
      (2) vddchip.386
      (3) *vddvga
      (4) vddpara.386

Name of Display                              [boot]        [boot]
(Enter in [boot.description] display.drv=)   display.drv=  386grabber=
------------------------------------------   ------------  ------------

ATI Mode 54h (800x600 16 colors) v2.00       win3-54b.drv  vga.gr3
ATI Mode 55h (1024x768 16 colors v2.00       win3-55b.drv  vga.gr3
CHIPS Super VGA 82C451 (800x600 16 colors)   45131600.drv  vga.gr3
CHIPS Super VGA 82C452 (800x600 16 colors)   45231600.drv  vga.gr3
CHIPS Super VGA 82C451 (1024x768 16 colors)  win31768.drv  vga.gr3
CHIPS Super VGA 82C452 (640x480 256 colors)  win3p480.drv  vgap45x.gr3
COMPAQ Integrated Video Graphics System      cpqivgs.drv   vga.gr3
DGIS Medium Resolution w/VGA, Ver 1.01       dgis3lo.drv   dgisvga.gr3
DGIS High Resolution w/VGA, Ver 1.01         dgis3hi.drv   dgisvga.gr3
Paradise VGA (800x600 16 colors)             vga800.drv    vga.gr3
Paradise VGA (1024x768 16 colors)            vga1024.drv   vga.gr3
Paradise VGA (640x480 256 colors)            pvga480.drv   pvga.gr3
Video Seven VGA (800x600 16 color)           v760016.drv   v7vga.gr3
Video Seven VGA (1024x768 16 color)          v776816.drv   v7vga.gr3
Video Seven VGA (640x480 256 color)          v7480256.drv  v7vga.gr3

   Make sure you have correctly typed the appropriate values into your
   SYSTEM.INI file.

4. Save the new settings and close the SYSTEM.INI file.

5. Exit Windows, if you have not already done so.

   IMPORTANT: If you are converting to one of the Supplemental Library
   display drivers from a non-VGA driver, you will need to follow
   Steps 6 and 7.

   If your previous display was a VGA, you can skip to Step 8.

6. Copy the files WIN.CNF, VGALOGO.LGO, and VGALOGO.RLE from the network
   Windows directory to your local Windows directory on your hard disk.

7. At the DOS prompt, change to the local Windows directory and then type
   the following commands:

   copy win.cnf /b + vgalogo.lgo /b + vgalogo.rle /b
   ren win.cnf

8. Restart Windows.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/7/2005