Tuning OS/2 LAN Man by Increasing Sessions, NCBs, and Names (66197)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft LAN Manager 2.0
  • Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1
  • Microsoft LAN Manager 2.1a
  • Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2

This article was previously published under Q66197


When running OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.x, you may run out of NetBIOS resources. Many different things can happen when you run out of these NetBIOS resources, but generally there will be error messages in the OS/2 LAN Manager error log indicating that one or more resources have been exhausted.

The default values for the NetBEUI Protocol Transport in OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.x are 40 NetBIOS sessions, 85 NetBIOS NCBs, and 17 NetBIOS names.

To increase the number of NetBIOS sessions, NCBs, and names available to the OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.x NetBEUI Protocol Transport, you must specify those values in the PROTOCOL.INI file as described on page 19 of the "Microsoft LAN Manager Network Device Driver Guide."

For example, you can use the following steps to increase the number of sessions, NCBs, and names available to 150 for each value on a typical OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.x server running a NetBEUI protocol stack and using a 3Com Elnk II card:

  1. Use a text editor to edit the PROTOCOL.INI file in your LAN Manager root directory (the file is usually kept in C:\LANMAN) and add the following lines to the [NETBUEI_XIF] section of PROTOCOL.INI:

    sessions = 150
    ncbs = 150
    names = 150

    Your PROTOCOL.INI file should look similar to the following:
              [PROTOCOL MANAGER]
                DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$
                Drivername = netbeui$
                BINDINGS = "ELNKII_NIF"
                sessions = 150
                ncbs = 150
                names = 150
                IOADDRESS = 0x300
                INTERRUPT = 5
                MAXTRANSMITS = 40
                DRIVERNAME = ELNKII$
                TRANSCEIVER = EXTERNAL
  2. Save the file.
  3. Reboot your computer.
  4. Restart the server.


Microsoft NetBEUI version 2.00 has the following values for sessions, NCBs, and names:
   Option      Range               Default
   ------      -----          -------
   Sessions    OS/2      3-254     40

               MS-DOS    3-117      6
   NCBs        OS/2      7-255     85

               MS-DOS    7-255     12
   Names       Both      2-254     17
Note: If you set these NetBIOS values too high, the NetBEUI Transport Driver will not be able to load at system ntboot and OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.00 will not function correctly.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/30/2003
Keywords:KB66197 kbAudDeveloper