Differences/Enhancements from Basic PDS 7.00 to 7.10 (65598)

This article was previously published under Q65598


In August 1990, Microsoft released the Microsoft Basic Professional Development System (PDS) version 7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2 systems. This article documents those features that were added to Basic PDS 7.10 that are not supported in Basic PDS 7.00. The lists below are titled "Language Enhancements," "New Utilities and Utility Improvements," and "Software Corrections."

This information applies to Microsoft Basic Professional Development System version 7.10 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2.


Language Enhancements

  1. REDIM PRESERVE changes the upper bounds (top-right dimension) of an $DYNAMIC array and preserves the data in the array. Previous versions of Basic initialized the array to zeroes or null strings on a REDIM.
  2. It is now possible to pass fixed-length-string arrays as parameters to SUB and FUNCTION procedures.
  3. A CALL by value using BYVAL for Basic SUB and FUNCTION subprograms is now possible. Previously, Basic only supported CALL by value using BYVAL when calling a non-Basic language such as C. The BYVAL attribute for passed parameters is now allowed when calling a Basic
       SUB or FUNCTION.
  4. ISAM is now supported under OS/2. ISAM in PDS 7.10 can be used in OS/2 protected mode. (Note that ISAM in PDS 7.10 is still single-user ISAM as in 7.00.)
  5. ISAM support in 7.10 operates up to 50% faster than in 7.00, depending on the program.
  6. Communications input is buffered during a SHELL if the program was compiled with BC /O (stand alone) option. All previous versions of Basic disabled communications support and buffering of communications data during a SHELL. Basic PDS 7.10 does not, however, buffer communications data during a SHELL if you are using the run-time module (BRT71xxx.EXE).
  7. Compatibility with Microsoft C version 6.00 for interlanguage calling. Basic PDS 7.10 now allows interlanguage calling to functions created with Microsoft C Compiler version 6.00. (Basic PDS 7.00 only allowed calling to Microsoft C Compiler version 5.10 functions.)

New Utilities and Utility Improvements

  1. QBX.EXE improvement: The 7.10 QuickBasic extended (QBX.EXE) environment uses expanded memory more efficiently than 7.00. In Basic PDS 7.00, each subprogram from 1K to 16K in size uses a full 16K of expanded memory. In Basic PDS 7.10, subprograms smaller than 16K will use expanded memory in 1K chunks. In 7.10, if a subprogram is 2K in size, it will use only 2K of expanded memory. (Subprograms larger than 16K are stored in conventional memory in both 7.00 and 7.10.)
  2. Programmer's WorkBench (PWB), a new utility: The Programmer's WorkBench is the integrated development environment that is provided with Microsoft's newest "high-end" language products. It integrates the following features:

    • Keyboard-driven or mouse-driven control of the WorkBench through use of menus and scroll bars.
    • Other utilities can be launched from PWB such as NMAKE or CodeView.
    • Context sensitive online Help.
    • Multiple windows allow managing multiple files for large projects.
    • Multiple-language development within PWB.
    • Supports development under both DOS and OS/2.
    • Customizable program editor.
    • PWB is a combination of Microsoft's Quick environments (such as QuickBasic and QuickC) and the Microsoft Editor, providing easier learning for anyone familiar with those environments. However, PWB offers many features over and above the Quick environments and the earlier Microsoft Editor.
  3. Source Browser: Source Browser is a powerful cross-referencing tool that can be launched from within PWB.
  4. CodeView 3.10 debugger is included.
  5. NMAKE facility: A superset of the earlier Microsoft MAKE facility. PWB saves you the inconvenience of remembering makefile syntax by building and maintaining makefiles for you.
  6. QuickHelp: QuickHelp allows you to access online documentation without running QBX.EXE or PWB.EXE. QuickHelp can be run from the DOS or OS/2 command line and can also be installed as a keyboard monitor under OS/2. Any Help files with the correct format can be used with QuickHelp.
  7. QBX.EXE improvement: In the QBX environment under the Run menu, the Make .EXE File command now lets you set any BC.EXE compiler option in the "Additional Options:" field.

Software Corrections

For a list of known problems with Basic PDS 7.00 (or QuickBasic 4.50) that are corrected in Basic PDS 7.10, query in the Microsoft Knowledge Base using the following word:


Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB65598