PRJ: How to Display Critical and Noncritical Milestones (65295)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Project 98 for Windows
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 95 4.1
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 95 4.1a
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 1.0
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 3.0a
  • Microsoft Project for Windows 4.0
  • Microsoft Project for the Macintosh 1.1
  • Microsoft Project for the Macintosh 3.0

This article was previously published under Q65295


A method of differentiating between critical and noncritical milestones is often desired. The Gantt Chart can be easily formatted to display a different color or shape to indicate the type of the milestone.


Perform the following steps to format the Gantt Chart to display critical and noncritical milestones:

Microsoft Project 4.0, 4.1 and 98

  1. Switch to Gantt Chart view.
  2. On the Format menu, click Bar Styles.
  3. In the Show for...Tasks field, click Milestone. Add a comma and the word, Critical, so that it looks like this:

    Milestone, Critical

  4. Set any other options such as colors and shapes you want to use for this milestone.
  5. In the Name field, click Summary. Click Insert Row.
  6. In the Name field in the blank row, type Milestone Noncritical. In the Appearance field, select a shape. In the Show for...Tasks field, enter Milestone, Noncritical.
  7. In the From and To fields select Start.
  8. Set any other options such as colors and shapes you want to use for this milestone.
  9. Click OK.

Microsoft Project 3.0

  1. Activate a Gantt Chart and from the Format menu, choose Palette.
  2. In the default palette, modify the milestone definition that already exists by changing the Show For field to display Milestone, Critical.
  3. Choose desired colors and shapes for the milestone.
  4. Add a new definition, by choosing Milestone, Noncritical in the Show For field.
  5. Designate the From and To fields to show Scheduled Finish.
  6. Choose an appropriate color and shape for the milestone.
  7. Choose OK to leave the palette definition screen and return to the Gantt Chart.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/25/2003
Keywords:kbhowto kbusage KB65295