Complete PACKING.LST File for Basic PDS 7.10 (64343)

This article was previously published under Q64343


Below is the PACKING.LST file from Microsoft Basic Professional Development System (PDS) version 7.10.

The packing list below shows dividing lines for the disk contents for the three possible shipped disk formats:

  1. 720K 3.5-inch disks
  2. 360K 5.25-inch disks
  3. 1.2 MB 5.25-inch disks
The PACKING.LST file incorrectly states that .CM$ file extensions stand for .COM files, and should be changed to say .CO$ file extensions stand for .COM files. This correction is shown below.


                            PACKING.LST File

    Disk Contents for Microsoft (R) Basic Professional Development System

                              Version 7.10

                (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1990

This file contains a complete list of all files and directories on the
distribution disks provided with this product.

NOTE: Files on the distribution disks are compressed (indicated by a
"$" in the file extension) and must be decompressed before they are
used. The Setup program on disk 1 unpacks files as it installs them. A
separate file unpacking utility (UNPACK.EXE) is provided for manual
file decompression. The following table displays the
compressed/uncompressed file extension mapping scheme:

   Compressed                        Uncompressed
   File Extension                    File Extension
   --------------                    --------------

   *.AS$               -             *.ASM
   *.BA$               -             *.BAS
   *.BI$               -             *.BI
   *.C$$               -             *.C
   *.CH$               -             *.CHT
   *.CO$               -             *.COM      [CO$, not .CM$]
   *.DA$               -             *.DAT
   *.DE$               -             *.DEF
   *.DL$               -             *.DLL
   *.EX$               -             *.EXE
   *.FO$               -             *.FON
   *.FR$               -             *.FOR
   *.HL$               -             *.HLP
   *.IN$               -             *.INI
   *.KE$               -             *.KEY
   *.LI$               -             *.LIB
   *.MA$               -             *.MAK
   *.MD$               -             *.MDB
   *.MX$               -             *.MXT
   *.OB$               -             *.OBJ
   *.PA$               -             *.PAS
   *.PI$               -             *.PIF
   *.PR$               -             *.PRE
   *.PX$               -             *.PXT
   *.QL$               -             *.QLB
   *.SY$               -             *.SYS

An example of using UNPACK.EXE to decompress a single file is as

   C> unpack a:pwb.hl$ c:\bc7\help\pwb.hlp

This will decompress the PWB.HL$ file from the distribution disk in
Drive A to the file PWB.HLP in the C:\BC7\HELP directory.

***** Disk #1 (1.2 MB 5.25") ***************************************
********** Disk #1 (720K 3.5") *************************************
*************** Disk #1 (360K 5.25") *******************************
SETUP.EXE      Basic installation program. Run this program to
               install Basic on your hard disk and build the
               required libraries
READTHIS.NOW   Tells the user the first thing to do to install the
               Basic Professional Development System
README.DOC     Information that was unavailable when the Basic
               manuals were printed
PACKING.LST    List and description of all files provided with Basic
UNPACK.EXE     Utility for uncompressing files on distribution disks
LIB.EXE        Microsoft Library Manager
LINK.EXE       Microsoft Segmented-Executable Linker
B71ORN.LIB     Basic run-time constituent library
ISAMDEMO.BAS   ISAM demonstration program (main module)
AMAZRAYS.DAT   Sample data for ISAM demo

*************** Disk #2 (360K 5.25") *******************************
B71OAF.LIB          Basic run-time constituent library (real mode)
B71OAJ.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OAN.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OBF.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OBJ.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OBN.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OEJ.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OOF.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71OON.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71ORF.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71RCF.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71RCN.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71RLF.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71RLN.LIB            "      "        "          "          "
B71ROAJ.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROAN.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROBF.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROBJ.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROBN.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROEF.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROEJ.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROEN.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROOF.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROOJ.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71ROON.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71RORF.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71RORJ.LIB           "      "        "          "          "
B71RORN.LIB           "      "        "          "          "

********** Disk #2 (720K 3.5")**************************************
*************** Disk #3 (360K 5.25") *******************************
B71POBJ.LIB          Basic run-time constituent library (protected mode)
B71POOF.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POAJ.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POAF.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POAN.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POEJ.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POEF.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POEN.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POBF.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POBN.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POOJ.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71POON.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71PORJ.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71PORF.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71PCF.LIB             "       "         "         "           "
B71PLF.LIB             "       "         "         "           "
B71PORN.LIB            "       "         "         "           "
B71PCN.LIB             "       "         "         "           "
B71PLN.LIB             "       "         "         "           "
BRTM71AP.DEF   Run-time constituent file (protected mode)
NOTRNEMP.LIB   No transcendental math. An object file to link with
               protected mode Basic programs that do not require
               transcendental functions
BSEDOSFL.BI    Include files for OS/2 interface
BSEDOSPC.BI      "       "    "   "        "
BSEDOSPE.BI      "       "    "   "        "
BSESUBMO.BI      "       "    "   "        "
B71ISDUP.OBJ  ISAM constituent file (protected mode)
B71ISSCP.OBJ     "       "       "         "

RM.EXE        Utility to delete files
UNDEL.EXE     Utility to undelete files
EXP.EXE       Utility to erase deleted files
TOOLS.PRE     Sample initialization file for PWB, CodeView, NMAKE
BC.HLP        File containing online help information for the CodeView
              Basic expression evaluator and the Basic PWB extension
PWBHELP.PXT   Help extension for PWB (protected mode)
PWBUTILS.PXT  Microsoft utilities' extension for PWB (protected mode)

*************** Disk #4 (360K 5.25") *******************************
NOCGA.OBJ      No CGA graphics. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that use a SCREEN statement, but do not use
               any CGA screen modes
NOCOM.OBJ      No communication. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that use some devices but do not use COMn
NOEDIT.OBJ     No full-power INPUT editor. An object file to link
               into a Basic program that limits editing with an INPUT
               statement to ENTER and BACKSPACE characters only
NOEGA.OBJ      No EGA graphics. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that use a SCREEN statement, but do not use
               any EGA screen modes
NOEMS.OBJ      No EMS memory. An object file to link with Basic
               programs when that forces overlays to swap to disk
               instead of using EMS memory
NOEVENT.OBJ    No EVENT support. An object file to link into an
               extended run-time module that does not use any event-
               trapping statements
NOFLTIN.OBJ    No floating point input. An object file to link with
               Basic programs that use INPUT, VAL, and READ without
               floating-point support
NOHERC.OBJ     No Hercules graphics. An object file to link with
               Basic programs that use a SCREEN statement, but do
               not use any Hercules screen modes
NOISAM.OBJ     No ISAM. An object file to link with Basic programs
               that require no ISAM support
NOLPT.OBJ      No line printer. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that use some devices but do not use LPTn
NOOGA.OBJ      No Olivetti graphics. An object file to link with
               Basic programs that use a SCREEN statement, but do
               not use any Olivetti screen modes
NOTRNEMR.LIB   No transcendental math. An object file to link with
               real mode Basic programs that require no transcendental
NOVGA.OBJ      No VGA graphics. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that use a SCREEN statement, but do not use
               any VGA screen modes
OVLDOS21.OBJ   Support DOS 2.10. An object file to link with Basic
               programs that are linked for overlays and designed
               to work under DOS 2.10
SMALLERR.OBJ   Reduce error messages. An object file to link with
               Basic programs to reduce the length of run-time error
TSCNIOFR.OBJ   Object file to link with far-string, real mode Basic
               programs that use text-only screen I/O
TSCNIOFP.OBJ   Object file to link with far-string, protected mode
               Basic programs that use text-only screen I/O
TSCNIONR.OBJ   Object file to link with near-string, real mode
               Basic programs that use text-only screen I/O
TSCNIONP.OBJ   Object file to link with near-string, protected mode
               Basic programs that use text-only screen I/O
87.LIB         80x87 required emulator replacement
EMP.LIB        80x87 emulator (protected mode)
EMR.LIB        80x87 emulator (real mode)
BLIBFA.LIB     Alternate math library
BLIBFP.LIB     Floating-point math library
BRTM71EP.DEF   Run-time constituent file (protected mode)
B71ROAF.LIB    Basic run-time constituent library (real mode)

***** Disk #2 (1.2M 5.25") *****************************************
FINANC.BI      Include file for Financial functions
FINANCER.LIB   Financial functions add-on library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, real mode
FINANCAR.LIB   Financial functions add-on library: alternate math,
               real mode
DATIM.BI       Include file for Date/Time functions
FORMAT.BI      Include file for Format functions
DTFMTOBJ.LIB   Date/Time and Format add-on constituent library
DTFMTOBE.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
DTFMTOBA.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
DTFMTORE.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
DTFMTORA.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
DTFMTOPE.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
DTFMTOPA.LIB      "       "   "      "        "           "
CHRTASM.OBJ    Presentation Graphics toolbox assembly language routines
UIASM.ASM      User interface toolbox assembly language routines source
ISAMDEM2.BAS   ISAM demonstration program (module 2)
ISAMDEMO.BI    Include file for ISAM demo
QBX.BI         Include file for use with Basic programs that
               call any of the following routines in the QBX.QLB
               Quick library or in the QBX.LIB stand-alone library:
               Absolute, Interrupt, InterruptX, Int86Old, or
               Int86XOld. The QBX.BI file defines the types for
               arguments passed to these routines and also gives
               DECLARE statements for these routines.
QBX.LIB        Stand-alone library containing support routines
               for DOS system calls
QBXQLB.LIB     Library of supporting routines used when creating
               Quick libraries
B71S.LIB       Basic run-time constituent library
B71ISD.LIB     ISAM constituent library (real mode)
B71IS.LIB         "       "         "       "
B71ISSTD.LIB      "       "         "       "
B71ISAMD.LIB      "       "         "       "
B71ISAM.LIB       "       "         "       "
B71ISDUT.OBJ   ISAM constituent file (real mode)
B71ISSCA.OBJ      "       "       "     "
B71ISSPA.OBJ      "       "       "     "
B71ISSPP.OBJ   ISAM constituent file (protected mode)
BUILDRTM.EXE   Utility for creating default and extended run-time
               modules and run-time module libraries

********** Disk #3 (720K 3.5") *************************************
*************** Disk #5 (360K 5.25") *******************************
ISAMCVT.LIB    ISAM utility constituent library
ISAMPACK.LIB     "     "       "         "
ISAMIO.LIB       "     "       "         "
B71ISC.LIB       "     "       "         "
ISAMREPR.LIB   ISAM utility constituent library (real mode)
B71ISCR.LIB      "     "       "         "           "
PROISAMT.LIB   ISAM constituent library (real mode)
ISAMREPP.LIB   ISAM utility constituent library (protected mode)
B71ISCP.LIB      "     "       "         "           "
B71ISP.LIB     ISAM constituent library (protected mode)
B71ISSTP.LIB     "     "          "         "
PROISAMP.LIB     "     "          "         "
PROISAMP.DEF   ISAM constituent file (protected mode)
PROISAM.OBJ    ISAM constituent file (real mode)
PROISAMD.OBJ     "       "       "     "
OS2.LIB        OS/2 interface library
IMPLIB.EXE     Utility used to create OS/2 import libraries

*************** Disk #6 (360K 5.25") *******************************
CV.HLP         Help file for Microsoft CodeView debugger
LINK.HLP       Help file for Microsoft Segmented-Executable Linker
QH.HLP         Help file for Microsoft QuickHelp

MOUSE.COM      Mouse driver for use with QuickBasic and programs
               that call mouse functions
HIMEM.SYS      High memory management device driver
RAMDRIVE.SYS   RAM drive device driver
SMARTDRV.SYS   Disk cache device driver
PATCH87.EXE    Program that installs a patch for DOS 3.20. The patch
               eliminates a problem with floating-point math in DOS
               3.20. The problem arises ONLY on systems that boot from
               a hard disk drive, have a math coprocessor (such as an
               8087 chip), and that run programs that use floating-
               point math
MSHERC.COM     Driver file for use with computers equipped with
               a Hercules Graphics Card, Graphics Card Plus,
               Hercules InColor Card, or 100-percent-compatible clones
               of these graphics cards. This file allows you to write
               Basic programs that use screen mode 3 for graphics
FIXSHIFT.COM   Terminate-and-stay-resident program that fixes a bug
               in the ROM BIOS of some machines with keyboards that
               have an extra set of DIRECTION (i.e., arrow) keys, in
               addition to those on the numeric keypad

********** Disk #4 (720K 3.5") *************************************
*************** Disk #7 (360K 5.25") *******************************
BC.EXE         Microsoft Basic Compiler
QH.EXE         Microsoft QuickHelp

***** Disk #3 (1.2M 5.25") *****************************************
CHRTB.BAS      Presentation Graphics toolbox source code module
CHRTASM.ASM    Presentation Graphics toolbox assembly language
               routines source
FONTB.BAS      Fonts toolbox source code module
FONTASM.ASM    Font toolbox assembly language routines source
GENERAL.BAS    User Interface toolbox source code module
MENU.BAS        "      "         "       "    "     "
MOUSE.BAS       "      "         "       "    "     "
WINDOW.BAS      "      "         "       "    "     "
CHRTB.BI       Include file for CHRTB.BAS
FONTB.BI       Include file for FONTB.BAS
GENERAL.BI     Include file for GENERAL.BAS
MENU.BI        Include file for MENU.BAS
MOUSE.BI       Include file for MOUSE.BAS
WINDOW.BI      Include file for WINDOW.BAS
MATB.BAS       Matrix Math toolbox source code module
MATB.BI        Include file for MATB.BAS
MATBA.BAS      Matrix Math toolbox source code module for use with
               alternate math package (currency support removed)
MATBA.BI       Include file for MATBA.BAS
FONTASM.OBJ    Font toolbox assembly language routines
FONTDEMO.BAS   Font toolbox demonstration program
UIASM.OBJ      User Interface toolbox assembly language routines
BALLPSET.BAS   Sample program - bouncing ball using PSET

*************** Disk #8 (360K 5.25") *******************************
HELVB.FON      Font toolbox Helvetica font file for 640 x 350 screen
COURB.FON      Font toolbox Courier font file for 640 x 350 screen
TMSRB.FON      Font toolbox Times Roman font file for 640 x 350 screen
HELVA.FON      Font toolbox Helvetica font file for 640 x 200 screen
COURA.FON      Font toolbox Courier font file for 640 x 200 screen
TMSRA.FON      Font toolbox Times Roman font file 640 x 200 screen
HELVE.FON      Font toolbox Helvetica font file for 640 x 480 screen
COURE.FON      Font toolbox Courier font file for 640 x 480 screen
TMSRE.FON      Font toolbox Times Roman font file for 640 x 480 screen

CHRTDEMO.BAS   Presentation Graphics demo (main module)
CHRTDEMO.BI    Include file for Presentation Graphics demo
CHRTDEM1.BAS   Presentation Graphics demo (module 1)
CHRTDEM2.BAS   Presentation Graphics demo (module 2)
SAMPLE.CHT     Presentation Graphics demo sample chart
UIDEMO.BAS     User Interface toolbox demonstration program
ISAMDEM1.BAS   ISAM demonstration program (module 1)
BOOKLOOK.BAS   Sample ISAM database program (main module)
BOOKLOOK.BI    Include file for sample ISAM database program
BOOKMOD1.BAS   Sample ISAM database program (module 1)
BOOKMOD2.BAS   Sample ISAM database program (module 2)
BOOKMOD3.BAS   Sample ISAM database program (module 3)
BOOKS.MDB      Sample ISAM database file
BOOKLOOK.MAK   File used by QBX to load all files required to run
               the BOOKLOOK sample ISAM database program
ADAPTER.BAS    Sample program to determine graphic adapter
BALLXOR.BAS    Sample program - bouncing ball using XOR
BAR.BAS        Sample program - bar chart
BIGSTRIN.BAS   Sample program - far string demo
CAL.BAS        Sample program - perpetual calendar
CHECK.BAS      Sample program - checkbook program
COLORS.BAS     Sample program - color and palette demo
CRLF.BAS       Sample program - carriage return/linefeed filter
CUBE.BAS       Sample program - animated cube
EDPAT.BAS      Sample program - pattern editor
ENTAB.BAS      Sample program - replace tabs with spaces
FLPT.BAS       Sample program - display floating-point numbers
INDEX.BAS      Sample program - non-ISAM parts inventory
MANDEL.BAS     Sample program - plots values in a Mandlebrot set
MUSIC.BAS      Sample program - Event trapping demo, plays music
PALETTE.BAS    Sample program - palette changing demo
PASSWRD.BAS    Sample program - requests and verifies password
PGBAR.BAS      Sample program - Presentation Graphics bar chart demo
PGLINEMS.BAS   Sample program - Presentation Graphics line chart demo
PGPIE.BAS      Sample program - Presentation Graphics pie chart demo
PGSCAT.BAS     Sample program - Presentation Graphics scatter diagram
PLOTTER.BAS    Sample program - Draws lines using cursor keys
QLBDUMP.BAS    Sample program that allows you to get a listing of the
               PUBLIC code and data symbols in a QuickBasic Quick
REMLINE.BAS    Sample program - removes remarks and lines numbers
SINEWAVE.BAS   Sample program - draws sine wave on screen
STRTONUM.BAS   Sample program - filters commas from numeric output
TERMINAL.BAS   Sample program - terminal emulator
TIMER.BAS      Sample program - timer event-trapping demo
TIMERA.ASM     Sample ASM program for use with TIMER.BAS
TOKEN.BAS      Sample program - breaks input string into components
WHEREIS.BAS    Sample program - locates files on disk
MXADSTA.ASM    Mixed language sample program - far string usage demo
MXADSTB.BAS      "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXADSTC.C        "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXADSTP.PAS      "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXSHKA.ASM       "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXSHKB.BAS       "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXSHKC.C         "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXSHKP.PAS       "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXADSTF.FOR      "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "
MXSHKF.FOR       "     "        "     "         "     "     "    "

********** Disk #5 (720K 3.5") **************************************
*************** Disk #9 (360K 5.25") ********************************
QBX.EXE        Microsoft QuickBasic Extended program development
QBX.PIF        File that provides information to aid in running
               QuickBasic under Microsoft Windows
MKKEY.EXE      Utility to convert .KEY files to ASCII and ASCII
               files to .KEY files
QBX.KEY        MKKEY QBX key definition file (default)
BRIEF.KEY      MKKEY BRIEF key definition file
EPSILON.KEY    MKKEY Epsilon key definition file
ME.KEY         MKKEY Microsoft Editor key definition file
BAS7ENER.HLP   File containing compressed online help information
               about the QBX programming environment
PWBC.MXT       Microsoft C extension for PWB (real mode). Not
               installed by Setup; use UNPACK.EXE

**************** Disk #10 (360K 5.25") ******************************
QBX.QLB        Quick library containing support routines
               for DOS system calls
BAS7ADVR.HLP   File containing compressed online help information
               for the Basic language

***** Disk #4 (1.2M 5.25") ******************************************
BAS7EX.HLP     File containing compressed online help code examples
PWBC.PXT       Microsoft C extension for PWB (protected mode). Not
               installed by Setup; use UNPACK.EXE

********** Disk #6 (720K 3.5") **************************************
*************** Disk #11(360K 5.25") ********************************
BAS7QCK.HLP    File containing online help information dealing with
               the Microsoft Basic language
UTILERR.HLP    File containing online help information for Microsoft
               utilities' error messages
HELPMAKE.EXE   Microsoft Help-File Creation utility
PWBRMAKE.EXE   PWB utility that builds Source Browser databases from
               .SBR files

*************** Disk #12 (360K 5.25") *******************************
PWB.COM        Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (real mode)
PWBED.EXE          "           "            "         "
PWBHELP.MXT    Help extension for PWB (real mode)
PWBROWSE.MXT   Source Browser extension for PWB (real mode)
PWBUTILS.MXT   Microsoft utilities' extension for PWB (real mode)
NMAKE.EXE      Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (real mode)
NMK.COM        Real mode, command-line loader for NMAKE that reduces
               capacity limitations. Do not use in conjunction with PWB.

********** Disk #7 (720K 3.5") ****************************************
*************** Disk #13 (360K 5.25") *********************************
CV.EXE         Microsoft CodeView Debugger (real mode)

***** Disk #5 (1.2M 5.25") ********************************************
CVPACK.EXE     Utility that compresses CodeView information
BRIEF.INI      BRIEF initialization file for PWB
PWBBasic.MXT   Microsoft Basic extension for PWB (real mode)

*************** Disk #14 (360K 5.25") *********************************
PWB.HLP        Help file for Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench
EXEHDR.EXE     Microsoft EXE File Header Utility

********** Disk #8 (720K 3.5") ****************************************
*************** Disk #15 (360K 5.25") *********************************
PWB.EXE        Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (protected mode)
UTILS.HLP      Help file for Microsoft utilities

*************** Disk #16 (360K 5.25") *********************************
CVP.EXE        Microsoft CodeView Debugger (protected mode)
NMAKE.EXE      Microsoft Program Maintenance Utility (protected mode)
PWBROWSE.PXT   Source Browser extension for PWB (protected mode)
MSHELP.DLL     OS/2 protected mode dynamic link library that implements
               help for protected mode PWB and CodeView
PWBBasic.PXT   Microsoft Basic extension for PWB (protected mode)


BCL70ENR.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: 80x87 or
               emulator math, near-string, real mode
BCL70ENP.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: 80x87 or
               emulator math, near-string, protected mode
BCL70EFR.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: 80x87 or
               emulator math, far-string, real mode
BCL70EFP.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: 80x87 or
               emulator math, far-string, protected mode
BCL70ANR.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: alternate
               math, near-string, real mode
BCL70ANP.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: alternate
               math, near-string, protected mode
BCL70AFR.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: alternate
               math, far-string, real mode
BCL70AFP.LIB   Combined library for stand-alone .EXE files: alternate
               math, far-string, protected mode

BRT70ENR.EXE   Run-time module: 80x87 or emulator math, near-string,
               real mode
BRT70ENP.DLL   Run-time module: 80x87 or emulator math, near-string,
               protected mode
BRT70EFR.EXE   Run-time module: 80x87 or emulator math, far-string,
               real mode
BRT70EFP.DLL   Run-time module: 80x87 or emulator math, far-string,
               protected mode
BRT70ANR.EXE   Run-time module: alternate math, near-string, real mode
BRT70ANP.DLL   Run-time module: alternate math, near-string,
               protected mode
BRT70AFR.EXE   Run-time module: alternate math, far-string, real mode
BRT70AFP.DLL   Run-time module: alternate math, far-string,
               protected mode

BRT70ENR.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70ENR.EXE
BRT70EFR.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70EFR.EXE
BRT70ANR.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70ANR.EXE
BRT70AFR.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70AFR.EXE
BRT70ENP.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70ENP.DLL
BRT70EFP.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70EFP.DLL
BRT70ANP.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70ANP.DLL
BRT70AFP.LIB   Run-time interface library to BRT70AFP.DLL

PROISAMD.LIB   ISAM library (real mode)
PROISAM.LIB            "     "       "
PROISAMD.EXE   ISAM Terminate-Stay Resident program (real mode)
PROISAM.EXE            "      "     "      "       "    "
PROISAM.DLL    ISAM Dynamic-Link Library (protected mode)
ISAMIO.EXE     ISAM ASCII import/export utility. Real and
               protected mode versions can be built
ISAMPACK.EXE   ISAM file compacting utility. Real and protected mode
               versions can be built
ISAMREPR.EXE   ISAM repair utility. Real and protected mode versions
               can be built
ISAMCVT.EXE    ISAM conversion utility. Only real mode version is

DTFMTER.LIB    Date/Time and Format add-on library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, real mode
DTFMTER.QLB    Date/Time and Format Quick library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, real mode
DTFMTAR.LIB    Date/Time and Format add-on library: alternate math,
               real mode
DTFMTEP.LIB    Date/Time and Format add-on library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, protected mode
DTFMTAP.LIB    Date/Time and Format add-on library: alternate math,
               protected mode
FINANCER.QLB   Financial functions Quick library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, real mode
FINANCAP.LIB   Financial functions add-on library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, protected mode
FINANCEP.LIB   Financial functions add-on library: alternate math,
               protected mode

FONTBENR.LIB   Font toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               near-string, real mode
FONTBEFR.LIB   Font toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               far-string, real mode
FONTBANR.LIB   Font toolbox library: alternate math, near-string,
               real mode
FONTBAFR.LIB   Font toolbox library: alternate math, near-string,
               real mode
FONTBEFR.QLB   Font toolbox Quick library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               far-string, real mode
CHRTBENR.LIB   Presentation graphics toolbox library: 80x87 or
               emulator math, near-string, real mode
CHRTBEFR.LIB   Presentation graphics toolbox library: 80x87 or
               emulator math, far-string, real mode
CHRTBANR.LIB   Presentation graphics toolbox library: alternate math,
               near-string, real mode
CHRTBAFR.LIB   Presentation graphics toolbox library: alternate math,
               far-string, real mode
CHRTBEFR.QLB   Presentation graphics toolbox Quick library: 80x87
               or emulator math, far-string, real mode
UITBENR.LIB    User interface toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               near-string, real mode
UITBEFR.LIB    User interface toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               far-string, real mode
UITBANR.LIB    User interface toolbox library: alternate math,
               near-string, real mode
UITBAFR.LIB    User interface toolbox library: alternate math,
               far-string, real mode
UITBEFR.QLB    User interface toolbox Quick library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, far-string, real mode
MATBENR.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               near-string, real mode
MATBENP.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               near-string, protected mode
MATBEFR.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               far-string, real mode
MATBEFP.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: 80x87 or emulator math,
               far-string, protected mode
MATBANR.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: alternate math,
               near-string, real mode
MATBANP.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: alternate math,
               near-string, protected mode
MATBAFR.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: alternate math,
               far-string, real mode
MATBAFP.LIB    Matrix math toolbox library: alternate math,
               far-string, protected mode
MATBEFR.QLB    Matrix math toolbox Quick library: 80x87 or emulator
               math, far-string, real mode

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB64343