Mac Hyp: Getting a List of User Names (62134)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mail Software Development Kit (SDK) for HyperCard 2.0
  • Microsoft Mail Software Development Kit (SDK) for HyperCard 3.0

This article was previously published under Q62134


The following command returns a list of user names in Microsoft Mail version 2.00:
   msmail (getUserList [,"local" or "all"] [,searchPattern]
   [,"leading" or "embedded" or "exact"] [,extended]) => userNames
In Mail version 3.00, the second argument is expanded to include "Address" for addresses from the user's address book.

If "local" is asked for (the default), then only users on the same server will be returned; if "all" is asked for, the routine returns all users on the network that can be reached via Microsoft Mail.

An optional "searchPattern" can be passed so that only a subset of users is returned. This allows you to specify only part of a name.

The following three search modes can be used:

  1. "leading" -- will match the searchPattern if it is at the start of a user name
  2. "embedded" -- all user names containing the pattern anywhere within themselves
  3. "exact" -- only users whose name exactly matches searchPattern
If "extended" is true (the default), then the name(s) are returned in the form "userName@serverName".

This information is taken from the "Microsoft Mail HyperCard Interface Documentation."

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/2/2003