Which Mouse Menus Work with Which Version of Lotus 1-2-3 (59932)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Mouse driver for MS-DOS 8.x
  • Microsoft Mouse driver for MS-DOS 6.x
  • Microsoft Mouse driver for MS-DOS 7.x

This article was previously published under Q59932


The Microsoft Mouse drivers come with mouse menus that provide simulated mouse support in applications that do not have built-in mouse support. The names of the menus to use with Lotus 1-2-3 are as follows:
    1-2-3 Version   Mouse Menu
    -------------   ----------

    1a              MS123.COM
    2.01            MS123-1.COM
    2.2             MS123-2.COM
    3.0             MS123-3.COM
To use a mouse menu with Lotus 1-2-3, do the following:
  1. At the command prompt, type mouse to load the Microsoft Mouse driver.
  2. Load the appropriate mouse menu by typing the name of the menu (for example, "MS123").
  3. At the command prompt, type 123 to start Lotus 1-2-3.
Note: Each of the above steps might require you to change to the directory that the relative files are in.

This information applies to the Microsoft Mouse Driver for MS-DOS, versions 6.24b and later.


Testing of the various versions of Lotus 1-2-3 with each of the available MS123 mouse menus and with either the version 6.24b or version 7.0 mouse driver yield the following results:
   1-2-3     | MS123       MS123-1     MS123-2     MS123-3
   Version   | 6.24b/later 6.24b/later 6.24b/later 6.24b/later
     1A      |   yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes
             |     */*                                  /**
     2.01    |   yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes
             |     */                       /**       **/**
     2.2     |   yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes     yes/yes
             |     */*                                 */*
     3.0     |    no/no       no/no       no/no      yes/yes
             |               ***/***     ***/***      **/**

Notes: *   No mouse action on Master screen.
       **  No side bar menu.
       *** Cursor moves with mouse but no menu action.

Summary of Normal Mouse Action (Yes in Above Chart)

Usually, the mouse works in one of two ways: either the selected block moves around with the mouse movements, or a separate mouse cursor is on the screen and the selected block moves to the mouse cursor position upon clicking the left mouse button.

In most cases, clicking the left mouse button activates a side bar menu with options such as PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, PAGE LEFT, PAGE RIGHT, HOME, END, and ARROW key functions, and sometimes more (depending on the version of the menu).

Also, in most cases, clicking the right mouse menu does the same as pressing the forward slash (/) key to bring up the standard 1-2-3 menu. Moving the mouse changes the highlighted command. The right mouse button acts as an ENTER key. Clicking both buttons will return the mouse to the spreadsheet.

The Lotus product included here is manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding this product's performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/24/2003