Correction for FillArc ToolBox Example on Page 511 "Reference" (58821)

This article was previously published under Q58821


The FillArc ToolBox example on Page 511 of the "Microsoft QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh: Language Reference" is incorrect. The ToolBox statement does not use the rectangle parameter (r%()), and the example references the pattern parameter incorrectly (pat%()).

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh.


The incorrect example on Page 511 is as follows:
   Toolbox "P", TrapNo%, (startAngle%), (arcAngle%), pat%
It should read as follows (note: the underscore is for display purposes only; VARPTR(pat%(0)) should be on the same line as the ToolBox statement):
   Toolbox "P", TrapNo%, VARPTR(r%(0)), (startAngle%), (arcAngle%),_
The following is a complete example using the FillArc ToolBox call:
   ToolBox "i"                  'Initialize toolbox and variables
   DIM r%(3), pat%(3)
   SetRect r%(0),10,10,100,100
   pat%(0) = &H5555             'Make checker pattern
   pat%(1) = &HAAAA
   pat%(2) = &H5555
   pat%(3) = &HAAAA
   startAngle% = 10
   arcAngle%   = 90
   Toolbox "P", TrapNo%, VARPTR(r%(0)), (startAngle%), (arcAngle%),_
                         VARPTR(pat%(0))  'Should be on Toolbox line

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB58821