Adding a Machine Name to the User Account List (58083)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft LAN Manager 2.0

This article was previously published under Q58083



How do I put my machine's name in the list of users, and how do I give myself admin privileges?


In LAN Manager 2.0

OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.0 tries to maintain a higher level of security for the server software, so your machine has to have its user name in the NET.ACC file. You also must have admin privileges to perform such useful functions as setting up sharepoints on the server, adjusting security options, etc. There is only one valid user in the NET.ACC file as supplied, the user "admin" with the password of "password".

However, it is first necessary to modify the \LANMAN\LANMAN.INI file on your machine so that the computername and username are correct for it, and to set the security to share.

The following command file should give you full access to your own machine:
   net logon admin password /domain:<uniquedomain> /y
   net accounts /minpwlen:0 /maxpwage:unlimited
   net user <machinename> <password> /add /priv:admin
   net logoff
   net logon <machinename> <password>
By replacing <uniquedomain> with a unique domain name that isn't being used on the network, this will ensure that the net logon will succeed. The uniquedomain name will override the default domain name in your LANMAN.INI file. Because the last "net logon" command does not include the /domain parameter, the default domain name will be used. This /domain parameter is only required if you have an existing network on which there may be a currently active user named "admin".

Of course, replace <machinename> with whatever you have set the name of your machine to be, and <password> with whatever you want for a password. Please note that the net accounts line allows you to not have a password, if you so desire.

Versions of OS/2 LAN Manager earlier than version 2.0 allow you to just delete the \LANMAN\ACCOUNTS\NET.ACC file; however, this does not work in version 2.0.

In LAN Manager 2.1, 2.1a, and 2.2

After the server has been installed as a primary server (for example SERVER1), the NET.ACC will have a group named SERVERS, which members are SERVER1 and other servers names in the same domain. You should not have to manually add another machine name or your server name into this group. Only when required (for example, if the backup server went out of synchronization), please follow the steps below:

  1. Use either NET ADMIN or the NET USER command line to add your <machine name> as a user on the server. Provide password options (length, age,...) as required by the Security Settings.
  2. Use either NET ADMIN or NET GROUP command line to add your <machine name> user into the SERVERS group.
By default, the admin account has admin privilege and the password is "password". You can use NET ADMIN to "Clone" this account (this new account can have any name and password, it will have admin privileges).

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/30/2003