How to Read "LPT1: PROMPT" Dialog Record, Macintosh QuickBASIC (47971)

This article was previously published under Q47971


When you open the printer device from your QuickBASIC program with OPEN "LPT1:PROMPT" FOR OUTPUT AS #n, two dialog boxes appear that allow you to set printer options at run time.

The sample program below shows how to read the "LPT1:PROMPT" options selected in the dialog boxes.

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh.


Page II-147 of "Inside Macintosh, Volume II" (published by Addison-Wesley, 1985) describes the Print Manager and shows the record structure for the Print Record and Dialogs. Your application should not change the data in the Print Record. Attempting to set other values directly in the Print Record can produce unexpected results.

Code Example

OPEN "lpt1:prompt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
CALL GetPrintRecord
CALL ShowPrintRecord

SUB GetPrintRecord STATIC
SHARED hPrint&, fLaser, iVRes, iHRes, iFstPage, iLstPage, iCopies
    IF SYSTEM(4) = 0 THEN
       IF SYSTEM(2) <> 4 THEN
          PRINT "Must use Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 1.00"
          BEEP : STOP
       END IF
       PrintHandle& = -6180
       GloblPtr& = PEEKL(&H904)
       DIM GlobalCode%(4)
       GlobalCode%(0) = &H226F             'MOVEA.L 4(A7),A1
       GlobalCode%(1) = &H4
       GlobalCode%(2) = &H2288             'MOVE.L A0,(A1)
       GlobalCode%(3) = &h4E75             'RTS
       GetGlobal& = VARPTR(GlobalCode%(0))
       CALL GetGlobal&(VARPTR(GloblPtr&))   'Get base of global storage
       PrintHandle& = 3626                  'Offset to printer variable
       ERASE GlobalCode%
    END IF

    hPrint& = PEEKL(GloblPtr&+PrintHandle&)
    IF hPrint& <> 0 THEN
        pPrint& = PEEKL(hPrint&)
        iPrVersion = PEEKW(pPrint&)
        iDev = PEEKW(pPrint& + 2)
        iVRes = PEEKW(pPrint& + 4)
        iHRes = PEEKW(pPrint& + 6)
        rPageTop  = PEEKW(pPrint& +  8)
        rPageLeft = PEEKW(pPrint& + 10)
        rPageBottom = PEEKW(pPrint& +  12)
        rPageRight =  PEEKW(pPrint& + 14)
        rPaperTop = PEEKW(pPrint& +  16)
        rPaperLeft = PEEKW(pPrint& + 18)
        rPaperBottom = PEEKW(pPrint& + 20)
        rPaperRight = PEEKW(pPrint& + 22)
        wDev = PEEKW(pPrint& + 24)
        fLaser = 0
        IF (wDev AND &HF00) = &H300 THEN fLaser = -1
        prJob& = pPrint& + 62
        iFstPage = PEEKW(prJob&)
        iLstPage = PEEKW(prJob& + 2)
        IF fLaser THEN
           iCopies = PEEKW(pPrint& +  46)
           iCopies = PEEKW(pPrint&+ 66)
        END IF
    END IF

SUB ShowPrintRecord STATIC
SHARED hPrint&, fLaser, iVRes, iHRes, iFstPage, iLstPage, iCopies
    IF hPrint& <> 0 THEN
        PRINT "Print Manager Version = ";iPrVersion
        PRINT "Printer is ";
        IF fLaser THEN
           PRINT "a LaserWriter"
           PRINT "an ImageWriter"
        END IF
        PRINT "Vertical resolution = ";iVRes
        PRINT "Horizontal resolution = ";iHRes
        PRINT "First page = "; iFstPage
        PRINT "Last page  = "; iLstPage
        PRINT "# Copies = ";iCopies
        PRINT "No Print Record allocated"
    END IF

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB47971