(Complete) Compile-Time Error Chart for Macintosh QuickBasic (43020)

This article was previously published under Q43020


The "Compile-Time Error Messages" chart was left out of the "Microsoft QuickBasic For Apple Macintosh: Language Reference" manual for versions 1.00, 1.00a, and 1.00b. To supplement the manual, you may use the error message chart included below, which is taken from the earlier compiler (pages 437-448 of the "Microsoft Basic Compiler for Apple Macintosh" manual for Microsoft Basic Compiler version 1.00 for Apple Macintosh).


The following compile-time error messages are described in greater detail further below:
   Error #     Compile-Time Error Message
   -------     --------------------------

    1          SUB without END SUB
    2          Wrong Number of arguments
    3          Undefined DATA label
    4          Expecting a variable
    5          Expecting end of statement
    6          Illegal character
    7          END SUB/EXIT SUB in main program
    8          DEF statement syntax error
    9          Invalid statement label
   10          Duplicate statement label
   11          Duplicate subprogram name
   12          Duplicate variable name
   13          Missing main program
   14          Missing argument
   15          Numeric overflow
   16          Illegal statement ordering
   17          Syntax error
   18          Undefined statement label
   19          Undeclared array
   21          Expecting closing parenthesis
   23          I/O control list error
   24          Maximum of seven dimensions exceeded
   25          Array subscript error
   27          Spelling error?
   28          Unterminated FOR or WHILE loop
   29          IF without END IF
   30          ELSE/ELSEIF without IF
   31          Static array redimensioned
   32          $INCLUDE file not found
   33          Alpha character expected
   34          Illegal $INCLUDE statement in $INCLUDE file
   36          SELECT CASE without END SELECT
   37          CASE statement expected
   39          DATA statement in single-line IF statement
   40          I/O control argument is not CHARACTER
   41          Expecting a symbol
   42          Expecting an opening parenthesis
   43          Unexpected end of statement
   44          Invalid $OPTION specifier
   45          NEXT without FOR or WEND without WHILE
   46          END IF without IF
   47          Array boundary error
   48          Illegal FOR variable
   49          Case constant exceeds 126-character limit
   50          Semicolon was expected
   51          A comma was expected
   52          Argument type mismatch
   53          This feature requires the N option
   54          FOR/WHILE loops nested deeper than 64
   55          CASE without SELECT CASE
   56          Statement not in a subprogram block
   58          Attempt to redefine option base
   59          Illegal argument
   60          Address out of 16-bit-range - use A option
   61          An equals sign was expected
   62          Undeclared subprogram
   63          Static variables cannot be erased
   64          System startup code file not found
   65          Internal error
   99          Internal stack level error
               Undefined error code - internal error
Below is a description of each compile-time error message:
   Error #     Compile-Time Error Message
   -------     --------------------------

    1          SUB without END SUB

               This occurs when the compiler encounters two SUB state-
               ments without an intervening END SUB statement, or a
               SUB statement without a matching END SUB statement.

    2          Wrong number of arguments

               An intrinsic or user-defined function or subprogram was
               called with the wrong number of arguments. For
               example, the number of arguments in a subprogram CALL
               statement was not the same as the number of parameters
               in the corresponding SUB statement.

    3          Undefined DATA label

               A label referenced by a RESTORE statement does not
               exist in the program.

    4          Expecting a variable

               An intrinsic function expects a variable in this
               position, but was passed an expression instead. An
               example of this is VARPTR, which takes a single
               parameter that must be a variable.

    5          Expecting end of statement

               The statement has been completely processed by the
               compiler and there is text remaining on the line that
               is not a trailing comment or legal statement separator.
               This can be caused by characters unrecognizable to
               Basic on the line, an incorrect trailing comment
               format, or parameters beyond those defined for the

    6          Illegal character

               The compiler did not find an expected character, as in
               the following examples:

               1. A parameter in a function definition statement
                  (DEF FN) is not followed by a comma or a right

               2. The compiler expected an expression or subexpres-
                  sion, but the next character was not one of the
                  characters that can legally begin an expression,
                  namely, an alphanumeric character, left or right
                  parenthesis, +, or -.

    7          END SUB/EXIT SUB in main program

               This indicates an END SUB or EXIT SUB statement that
               has no matching SUB statement.

    8          DEF statement syntax error

               This error is caused by one of the following two

               1. The name following the DEF keyword in a user-
                  defined function does not start with the letters FN.

               2. The range of characters in a DEFINT, DEFSNG, DEFDBL,
                  or DEFSTR statement is out of alphabetical order.

    9          Invalid statement label

               A line number has a value greater the 65,529.

   10          Duplicate statement label

               The same line number or label exists in a previous line
               in the program or subprogram.

   11          Duplicate subprogram name

               A subprogram name appears in two SUB statements in the
               same program.

   12          Duplicate Variable name

               The same variable appears in more than one COMMON

   13          Missing main program

               The program contains no executable statements outside
               of a subprogram definition.

   14          Missing argument

               An intrinsic function was called without enough

   15          Numeric overflow

               This occurs when an expression resolved at compile time
               exceeds the maximum number that can be represented.

   16          Illegal statement ordering

               This can be caused by several conditions, four of which
               are as follows:

               1. A SHARED statement either follows executable code in
                  a subprogram or appears outside a subprogram block.

               2. An ERASE statement for shared or passed arrays
                  occurs in a subprogram.

               3. A user-defined function is called before the function
                  definition is given in a DEF FN statement.

               4. A COMMON statement appears in a subprogram.

   17          Syntax error

               This can be caused by a number of different conditions,
               some of which are listed below:

               1. An expression contains an operator without a
                  following operand.

               2. An expression contains two operands without a
                  connecting operator.

               3. A THEN keyword is missing an IF...THEN...ELSE

               4. A TO keyword is missing in a FOR...NEXT loop.

               5. SELECT appears without the CASE keyword.

               6. IF condition or ELSEIF condition is not followed by
                   the keyword THEN.

               7. An ON ERROR clause is not followed by GOTO, or an ON
                  event clause is not followed by GOSUB.

               8. The hyphen (-) is missing between coordinate pairs
                  in a statement such as BUTTON or LINE.

   18          Undefined statement label

               A label referred to in an IF...THEN [[...ELSE]], GOSUB,
               or GOTO statement does not exist in the program or

   19          Undeclared array

               This error can result from one of the following

               1. A GET, PUT, or WAVE statement contains a reference
                  to an array that has not been previously declared in
                  a DIM statement.

               2. An array referenced in a SHARED statement was not
                  found in the main program.

   21          Expecting closing parenthesis

               The end of an expression was reached without enough
               right parentheses to balance the left parentheses

   23          I/O control list error

               This error can be caused by one of the following

               1. No legal mode is specified after FOR in an OPEN

               2. The keyword AS is missing in an OPEN or NAME

               3. The LEN keyword was not used when an attempt was
                  made to specify a file buffer size in an OPEN

               4. A constant null string ("") is used for a filename
                  in an OPEN statement.

               5. There is an error in the format of a PRINT [#] USING
                  format string or an INPUT statement prompt string.

   24          Maximum of seven dimensions exceeded

               The Basic compiler limits arrays to a maximum of seven

   25          Array subscript error

               A static array reference has the wrong number of

   27          Spelling error?

               A statement does not begin with a number, label,
               keyword, or comment character.

   28          Unterminated FOR or WHILE loop

               The compiler has reached the end of the program with an
               unbalanced FOR statement; that is, one without a
               corresponding NEXT. This error message also appears
               when the program has a WHILE statement without a
               matching WEND statement.

   29          IF without END IF

               The compiler has reached the end of the program with an
               unbalanced block IF statement; that is, one without a
               matching END IF statement.

   30          ELSE/ELSEIF without IF

               There was no block IF statement pending when this block
               ELSE statement was encountered.

   31          Static array redimensioned

               Limits for a static array were declared more than once.

   32          $INCLUDE file not found

               A file specified in a $INCLUDE statement does not exist
               or cannot be found by the compiler in the specified
               volume or folder.

   33          Alpha character expected

               An identifier that starts with a letter is expected at
               this point.

   34          Illegal $INCLUDE statement in $INCLUDE file

               The compiler has encountered an $INCLUDE statement
               while processing another $INCLUDE statement. $INCLUDE
               statements cannot be nested.

   36          SELECT CASE without END SELECT

               The compiler has reached the end of the program with an
               unbalanced CASE statement, that is, one without a
               corresponding END SELECT.

   37          CASE statement expected

               The statement immediately following a SELECT CASE
               statement is not a CASE statement. All statements
               between a SELECT CASE statement and the matching END
               SELECT statement must be introduced by a CASE

   39          DATA statement in single-line IF statement

               A DATA statement cannot be part of a single-line
               IF...THEN...ELSE statement. DATA statements can appear
               in block IF...THEN...ELSE statements, but they are not

   40          I/O control argument is not CHARACTER

               This is caused by one of the following two conditions:

               1. AS in a FIELD statement is not defined by a string

               2. A non-string expression is used for the mode or the
                  filename in an OPEN statement.

   41          Expecting a symbol

               The compiler encountered something such as a constant,
               keyword, or operator, instead of an expected symbol.

   42          Expecting an opening parenthesis

               This can be caused by one of the following two

               1. The compiler did not find a required left
                  parenthesis before the argument list in a call to a
                  subprogram, an intrinsic Basic function, or a
                  user-defined function.

               2. The compiler did not find a required left
                  parenthesis before a coordinate pair in a statement
                  such as BUTTON, EDIT FIELD, or WINDOW.

   43          Unexpected end of statement

               The compiler reached a statement separator without
               completely processing the statement; it expects more

   44          Invalid $OPTION specifier

               An attempt was made to change some option other than A
               (use long addressing mode) or C (check array
               boundaries) in an $OPTION metacommand.

   45          NEXT without FOR or WEND without WHILE

               A NEXT statement was encountered when no FOR was
               pending, or a WEND statement was encountered when no
               WHILE was pending.

   46          END IF without IF

               An END IF statement was encountered when no block IF
               statement was pending.

   47          Array boundary error

               This error can result from one of the following

               1. A static array reference is outside the limits of
                  the array. This is the only boundary checking that
                  can be done in the compiler; all other types are
                  done at run time.

               2. A static array is declared in such a way that it
                  cannot have any elements, as in the following

                     OPTION BASE 1
                     DIM STATIC ARRAY%(0)

   48          Illegal FOR variable

               An array reference is used as a FOR variable.

   49          Case constant exceeds 126 character limit

               The maximum length permissible for a string in a CASE
               selector statement is 126 characters.

   50          Semicolon was expected

               The compiler did not find a semicolon after
               string-expression in a PRINT USING string-expression or
               PRINT #filenumber USING string-expression statement.

   51          A comma was expected

               The compiler encountered a syntax error in any of
               several I/O statements, subprograms and function
               calls, or declarations.

   52          Argument type mismatch

               This error is encountered in a number of instances
               where types should match. For example, in subprogram
               calls, this message indicates that the actual argument
               types do not exactly match the declared parameter types
               in the SUB statement. In function calls, it indicates a
               character has been passed for a number of vice-versa.

               This error also occurs in the following situations:

               1. A LINE INPUT statement is followed by some-
                   thing other that a string variable.

               2. There is a string array in a graphics GET or
                   PUT statement.

               3. Something other that a string expression is
                   used in a BUTTON, EDIT FIELD, PICTURE, or
                   WINDOW statement.

   53          This feature requires the N option

               This features requires some process to occur between
               each statement; this processing is enabled by the
               compiler N option. Note that this option significantly
               slows program execution.

   54          FOR/WHILE loops nested deeper than 64

               The combined number of FOR and WHILE statements
               without matching NEXT or WEND statements is greater
               that 64.

   55          CASE without SELECT CASE

               The compiler has encountered a CASE statement outside
               a SELECT CASE...END SELECT block.

   56          Statement not in a subprogram block

               After the main program block, the compiler encountered
               statements following an END SUB statement that are not
               in a new SUB...END SUB subprogram block.

               Subprogram blocks cannot be interspersed with the main
               program; subprograms must appear either before or after
               the main program block.

   58          Attempt to redefine option base

               The option base is a global value in a compiled Basic
               program and can be defined only once. This value can
               be defined explicitly in an OPTION BASE statement or
               implicitly by simply declaring an array. In the latter
               case, the option base is 0, the default.

   59          Illegal argument

               An invalid argument was passed to an intrinsic Basic
               function, such as a static array as the argument to
               LBOUND or UBOUND.

   60          Address out of 16-bit-range - use A option

               Your program is too large for the default addressing
               mode. Recompile your program with the A option
               (long addressing mode). (See Section 4.3.1 for
               information about the A option.)

   61          An equals sign was expected

               The compiler did not encounter an expected equal (=)
               sign. This error can be caused by any situation where
               an equal sign should appear (such as after the LEN
               keyword in an OPEN statement), but does not.

   62          Undeclared subprogram

               A name does not refer to a legal subprogram. This error
               occurs when both of the following conditions are true:

               1.  A user-defined name in a CALL statement is
                   not defined in a SUB statement and is not
                   a defined variable.

               2.  There are no LIBRARY statements in the program.

   63          Static variables cannot be erased

               The argument in an ERASE statement is a static array.

   64          System startup code file not found

               The compiler was unable to find the basinit file
               (basinit contains the run-time start-up object code
               and other resources required by the compiler).

   65          Internal error

               The compiler has detected an unexpected error. This
               error report indicates a problem within the compiler
               rather than within the source code being compiled.
               Please report the conditions and the circumstances in
               which it occurred to Microsoft, using the Software
               Problem Report at the back of this manual.

   99          Internal stack level error

               This occurs when the compiler detects that the code
               it has generated would leave the run-time stack in
               an inconsistent state. As in error 65, this indicates
               a problem in the compiler that should be reported to

               Undefined error code - internal error

               This error occurs when the compiler error handler
               encounters an undefined error number. As in errors
               65 and 99, this indicates a problem in the compiler
               that should be reported to Microsoft.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB43020