QB 4.50 Debugger Reference Bar Displays until STOP or END (39253)

This article was previously published under Q39253


In the QB.EXE Version 4.50 environment, when a program is run using any of the debug features, the reference bar is replaced by a debug reference bar listing the debugging keys and their actions. The normal reference bar is as follows:
<SHIFT+F1=Help> <F6= > <F2=Subs> <F5=Run> <F8=Step>
The debug mode reference bar is as follows:
<SHIFT+F1=Help> <F5=Continue> <F9=Toggle Bkpt> <F8=Step>
The normal reference bar is not replaced until the program ends by reaching an END or STOP statement.

To restore the normal reference bar, go to the immediate window and type STOP and press ENTER. This will terminate the program and restore the reference bar.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB39253