ABOUT, WAIT Are Reserved and Unimplemented; RENUM Misspelled (38500)

This article was previously published under Q38500


The following are three corrections to the "BASIC Reserved Words" list in the "Microsoft QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh: BASIC Language Reference" manual (Appendix B):

  1. The BASIC reserved word ABOUT (*) is not listed on Page 369 and needs to be added to the list of BASIC Reserved Words.
  2. On Page 370, the reserved word RENUM (*) is misspelled as REMUM.
  3. On Page 371, the reserved word WAIT needs to be marked with an asterisk (*), which means that it is reserved but not implemented.
The words ABOUT, RENUM, and WAIT are NOT implemented in QuickBASIC but they ARE "reserved," which means they cannot be used as names for variables or labels. Words that are reserved but not implemented are marked with an asterisk (*) on Pages 369-371 of the manual.


When you type a reserved word into the QuickBASIC List window and press the RETURN key, the word becomes bold-faced. If the reserved word is not implemented, then you get a "Syntax Error" when you try to run or compile the program.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB38500