ASCII Codes That Do Not Output Using SCRN: , CONS:, or PRINT (35651)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0
  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0b
  • Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5
  • Microsoft BASIC Compiler for MS-DOS and OS/2 6.0
  • Microsoft BASIC Compiler for MS-DOS and OS/2 6.0b

This article was previously published under Q35651


Most ASCII values display graphics or alphanumeric symbols when sent to the screen. However, there are some ASCII character codes for which Basic displays nothing on the screen of a PC. The list of excluded characters for the PRINT statement is the same as for the PRINT# statement sending output to a file opened with the "SCRN:" device name. The list of excluded characters is different for the "CONS:" and "SCRN:" device names, as shown below.

Note that you can display all the excluded character codes by directly poking them into video memory (under MS-DOS only, not in OS/2), as shown farther below.

This information applies to QuickBasic Versions 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50 for MS-DOS and to the Microsoft Basic Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for MS-DOS.


For a table of the graphics and alphanumeric symbols associated with ASCII bytes, please refer to Appendix A of the Basic language reference manuals for QuickBasic Versions 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50 for MS-DOS or the language reference manual for Microsoft Basic Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for MS-DOS and MS OS/2. See also the QB Advisor online Help system for QuickBasic 4.50.

The following ASCII values cannot be output with PRINT, or with PRINT# to either "SCRN:" or "CONS:"
   Decimal  Hex    ASCII  Description
   -------  ---    -----  -----------
   007      7H     BEL    Bell
   009      9H     HT     Horizontal Tab
   010      AH     LF     Linefeed
   013      DH     CR     Carriage Return
PRINT# to "SCRN:" and PRINT output the following characters, but PRINT# to "CONS:" does not:
   Decimal  Hex    ASCII  Description
   -------  ---    -----  -----------
   027      1BH    ESC    Escape
   127      7FH    (The DOS device CONS: recognizes code 127 as DEL.)
PRINT# to "CONS:" outputs the following control characters, but PRINT# to "SCRN:" and PRINT do not:
   Decimal  Hex    ASCII  Description
   -------  ---    -----  -----------
   011      BH     VT     Vertical Tab
   012      CH     FF     Formfeed
   028      1CH    FS
   029      1DH    GS
   030      1EH    RS
   031      1FH    US
There is a method in QuickBasic of displaying every character, including those on the above lists. This involves using the POKE statement to send the appropriate ASCII code into the even-numbered byte in video memory that corresponds to a particular screen position. (The color attribute (default=7) is POKEd into the odd byte that follows the even byte.) This requires knowing the starting address for the correct page of screen memory (as shown on Page 85 of the "Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC"), as well as the desired row and column position.

Code Examples

The following code POKEs a given ASCII character at a specific row and column position on a Hercules-compatible monochrome monitor:
   DEF SEG = &HB000 'start of Hercules memory page 0.
   'DEF SEG = &hB800 'start for EGA or CGA Cards page 0
   row = 10
   column = 30
   attribute = 7 'normal white-on-black
   Character = 7 'The bell, normally
   CharPos = 2 * (row * 80 + column)
   POKE CharPos, Character
   POKE CharPos + 1, attribute
   ' Additional characters can be POKEd here as desired.
The following code verifies which characters can be displayed in QuickBasic. You can change "SCRN:" to "CONS:" and rerun for comparison. You can also change the < PRINT#1, > statement to the < PRINT > statement for comparison.
   OPEN "scrn:" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
   FOR k = 0 TO 255
      WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND
      PRINT #1, k; CHR$(k)


Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/16/2005