FIX: SHIFT+Double-Click Selects Vertical Box Wrong InsertPoint (35328)

This article was previously published under Q35328


The editor (List window) in QuickBasic version 1.00 and the Microsoft Basic Interpreter version 3.00 for Macintosh does not support selecting text by holding down the SHIFT key and double-clicking the mouse button. Using SHIFT+double-click can cause a highlighted block of text to appear in the middle of a vertical section of lines. After SHIFT+double-clicking, the flashing insertion point may be separated from the typed text. To eliminate this unusual editor behavior, click on any line except the line that contains the flashing insertion point.

Double-clicking can be used for highlighting a word only when the SHIFT key is not held down.

When using the SHIFT key with the mouse, the QuickBasic editor supports only SHIFT+single-clicking, which extends a selected (highlighted) range from the insertion point, or from a previously selected range, to the clicked location.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be an editor problem in Microsoft QuickBasic version 1.00 and the Microsoft Basic Interpreter version 3.00 for the Macintosh . The editor needs to be changed so that SHIFT+double-click behaves like SHIFT+single-click to extend a text selection. This problem is corrected in QuickBasic version 1.00b for Macintosh .


The supported methods for selecting text are described on page 50 of the "Microsoft QuickBasic for Macintosh : User's Guide."

The following steps cause the insertion point to be separated from the place where entered text is inserted:

  1. Run QuickBasic version 1.00 or the Basic 3.00 interpreter and load a program.
  2. Single-click on any word near the bottom of the List window.
  3. While holding down the SHIFT key, double-click on any line above the word where the insertion point lies. If you SHIFT+double-click directly above the word with the insertion point, a highlighted vertical box (an inverse-video block of text) displays, with a width equal to the word where the insertion point was located.
  4. Now type some text. The text is inserted where the insertion point was before the double-click; however, the insertion point now flashes on the line where you double-clicked and moves as you enter text below.
To work around the problem, click once on the List window on any line except the one that has the flashing insertion point. The List window now looks correct and the insertion point is correctly located.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: kbbug KB35328