QB.EXE "Bad File Mode" if First Character Extended ASCII (35247)

This article was previously published under Q35247


The error "Bad File Mode" will occur while opening or loading a document file in the QB.EXE editor if an extended ASCII character is the very first character in the file. To avoid this error, put a space or a blank line before the extended ASCII character so that it is not the first character in the file. This error does not occur in the QB.EXE editor which comes with Microsoft QuickBasic Version 4.50 or in the QBX.EXE environment that comes with Microsoft Basic PDS Version 7.00.

In the QB.EXE editor in QuickBasic Versions 2.00, 2.01, and 3.00, extended ASCII characters are not allowed within the first 80 bytes of the loaded file. (The same is true for QB87.EXE in Version 3.00.)

Extended ASCII bytes have values from 128 to 255.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/8/2003
Keywords: KB35247