Application Center 2000 GAC replication support for Windows 2000 (326950)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Application Center 2000 SP1
  • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP1
  • the operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000 SP2

This article was previously published under Q326950


Application Center 2000 (AC2000) Global Assembly Cache (GAC) replication support is now available as a separate download for AC2000 when it is installed on computers running Windows 2000. This package is part of AC2000 support for the .NET Framework on computers running Windows 2000.


If you use AC2000 to replicate .NET assemblies that you have registered in the GAC, you must do one of the following:
  • Install this package.
  • Deploy the assemblies as files, and then use a post deployment script to run GACUtil.exe on each server to which you replicate the assemblies.


To install the replication support package, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the following Microsoft Web site, and then locate the .NET Framework/Application Center driver package (Gacdriver.exe): Download Gacdriver.exe to any folder.
  2. Run Gacdriver.exe. Respond to the dialog box questions as appropriate.
If you need additional information about how to install the package, see the Readme-Q326950.txt file, which appears at the beginning of the installation sequence (this file is placed automatically in your Local Setting\Temp folder each time that you run Gacdriver.exe).


There are two ways that you can synchronize or deploy .NET assemblies in the GAC:
  • Through the user interface (UI).
    Open an AC2000 program, and then add the .NET Global Assemblies resource from the Resources drop-down list.
  • Through the command line tool.
    Add a GACObj resource by using the AC.exe command line tool.
The assemblies that are added to an AC2000 program by using either method are synchronized automatically if automatic synchronization is turned on, or during any manual synchronization or deployment that includes the AC2000 program.

If you use Application Center 2000 to replicate .NET assemblies that you have registered in the GAC, any files referenced by the assembly must exist on both the source and the target.

Note This download is intended to provide interim support for GAC assembly replication on Windows 2000 until AC2000 Service Pack 2 (AC2000 SP2) is released. AC2000 SP2 will contain the final version of GAC assembly replication for AC2000 on both Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. If you decide to use this package, you will be expected to install AC2000 SP2 when it becomes generally available. When you install AC2000 SP2, the service pack will replace this temporary package with the final version of GAC replication support.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:9/27/2005
Keywords:kbHotfixServer kbQFE kbinfo KB326950