Support WebCast: Microsoft Systems Management Server: An Introduction to Software Update Management Using SMS 2.0 (326697)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 SP1
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 SP2
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 SP3
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 SP4

This article was previously published under Q326697

Session Summary

During this Support WebCast, you will learn about the key problems that customers face when they try to deploy security updates (patches) to their Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows XP computers. You will hear about the Value Pack features (in beta) that extend Systems Management Server (SMS) version 2.0 to fill a key role in the Microsoft Strategic Technology Protection Program (STPP).

This is a Level 200 session that was recorded August 14, 2002 and presented by Rob Wickham. Rob Wickham joined Microsoft in 1993 as a PSS engineer. He later became an Escalation Engineer and QFE Manager for SMS, and is now the Program Manager for the Value Pack. Rob has been designing various solutions for SMS for several years in the resource kit, the support tools, and most recently in the Value Pack.

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Additional Resources

Download the
		  presentationDownload presentation WC081402.ppt. This is a 485-KB Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) file.
If you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, use the PowerPoint Viewer (2,752 KB).

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Keywords:kbdownload kbtshoot kbtshoot kbWebCastSupport kbinfo KB326697