IPlanet Requires at Least One Object to Accept Additions (325701)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Metadirectory Services 2.2 SP1

This article was previously published under Q325701


Microsoft Metadirectory Services (MMS) may not provision user objects to the iPlanet folder. After this occurs, you receive no error messages in the log files.


This behavior may occur because MMS cannot send user objects out until at least one user object is discovered from iPlanet.


To work around this behavior, create a fake user object in iPlanet so the iPlanet management agent (MA) can discover the appropriate objects and attributes. After the object is detected from iPlanet, updates to iPlanet continue as you expect. After objects are passed to iPlanet on the initial load, you can delete the fake object.


MMS does not send user objects to iPlanet until at least one user object is discovered from iPlanet. This also applies to extended attributes. If the attribute is added to the schema, no values flow until at least one instance of the attribute is discovered from iPlanet.


In the following example, OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM is discovered from iPlanet and contained no user. Three users (test1, 2 and 3) are provisioned into the connector space of the Netscape iPlanet LDAP MA. The expected behavior would be three user objects created in iPlanet, but the Zscript.log file contains the following entry:
Synchronizing Metadirectory Users
Process exited successfully date time year
Updating the Connected Directory Users
Start of the LDAP update process
Update directory completed: 0 objects processed
Successful update of Connected Directory Users
After a fake iPlanet user object (duser) is created in iPlanet and discovered through MA, the fake user is brought into MA's connector space. After "update connected directory" ran, the Zscript.log file contains the following entry:
Synchronizing Metadirectory Users

Checking connector space for obsolete records at time...
0002-EXPORT ADDITION[00]: CN=test1,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM,ma=iPlanet,DsaName=MMS01,ou=Applications,dc=Microsoft,dc=com
0003-EXPORT ADDITION[00]: CN=test2,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM,ma=iPlanet,DsaName=MMS01,ou=Applications,dc=Microsoft,dc=com
0004-EXPORT ADDITION[00]: CN=test3,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM,ma=iPlanet,DsaName=MMS01,ou=Applications,dc=Microsoft,dc=com

Number of entries processed: 4

Number of disconnector(s) added: 1

Number of addition(s) exported: 3

Process exited successfully date time year
Updating the Connected Directory Users
Start of the LDAP update process
Add request on object CN=test1,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM
Add request successfully performed
Add request on object CN=test2,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM
Add request successfully performed
Add request on object CN=test3,OU=KB,DC=iPlanet,DC=COM
Add request successfully performed
Update directory completed: 3 objects processed
Successful update of Connected Directory Users

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/2/2003
Keywords:kbenv kbprb KB325701