Roadmap for ATL Server in Visual C++ .NET or in Visual C++ 2005 (312462)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2003)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ .NET (2002)

This article was previously published under Q312462


This article provides a roadmap to learn more about Active Template Library (ATL) Server. To assist you with learning a Microsoft product or technology, roadmap articles provide links to useful information, including online documentation, Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) articles, white papers, tutorials, and other samples you may find helpful.

This article contains the following sections:
  • Overviews
  • Architecture
  • How To Articles
  • Walkthroughs and Samples
  • Guidelines and Specifications
  • Troubleshooting



The following links provide overview information about ATL Server:

ATL Server and Visual Studio .NET: developing high-performance Web applications gets easierXML Web services created with ATL server


The following links provide architectural (internal) information about ATL Server:

How To Articles

The following link will take you to some common How To information in the documentation for Atl Server: Microsoft Knowledge Base How To articles provide step-by-step instructions for accompishing specific tasks.

Walkthroughs and Samples

Walkthroughs provide mini-tutorials that walk you through some typical application development scenarios. The following links will take you to walkthrough documents and samples for ATL Server:

ATL server tutorial - tip of the day

Guidelines and Specifications

The following links take you to key ATL Server guidelines and related specifications:


The following links are to some key topics in the Visual Studio .NET Documentation that will help you to troubleshoot your ATL Server applications: If you run into problems along the way and you need some answers to your questions, the best places to get those questions answered are in the Microsoft Newsgroups, where you can share your experiences with your peers, and in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB), where you can search for KB articles about specific issues:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:4/26/2006
Keywords:kbArtTypeRoadmap kbATLServer kbinfo KB312462 kbAudDeveloper