PRB: Using Object.Value in UPDATE - SQL Fails (310569)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 3.0b
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 5.0a
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 7.0

This article was previously published under Q310569


When you use an Object.Object.Value reference in an UPDATE - SQL command, you may receive the following error message:
Alias 'object' is not found.
This error occurs only if the Object.Object.Value syntax appears on the right side of the assignment in the SET clause.


To work around this problem, you can find other ways to use the object value. The sample code in the "More Information" section shows some possibilities.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. Run the following code:
    PUBLIC ofrmUpdate
    DEFINE CLASS frmUpdate AS form
       Top = 0
       Left = 0
       Height = 115
       Width = 181
       DoCreate = .T.
       Caption = "Update Form"
       cValue = "NewValue"
       Name = "frmUpdate"
       ADD OBJECT cmdUpdate AS commandbutton WITH ;
          Top = 70, ;
          Left = 5, ;
          Height = 20, ;
          Width = 88, ;
          Caption = "UPDATE - SQL", ;
          Name = "cmdUpdate"
       ADD OBJECT txtValue AS textbox WITH ;
          Value = "Value To Set Field To...", ;
          ControlSource = "ThisForm.cValue", ;
          Height = 23, ;
          Left = 4, ;
          Top = 4, ;
          Width = 154, ;
          Name = "txtValue"
       ADD OBJECT cmdInsert AS commandbutton WITH ;
          Top = 92, ;
          Left = 5, ;
          Height = 20, ;
          Width = 88, ;
          Caption = "INSERT INTO", ;
          Name = "cmdInsert"
       ADD OBJECT cmdBrowse AS commandbutton WITH ;
          Top = 82, ;
          Left = 96, ;
          Height = 20, ;
          Width = 62, ;
          Caption = "BROWSE", ;
          Name = "cmdBrowse"
       ADD OBJECT txtKey AS textbox WITH ;
          Alignment = 3, ;
          Value = 2, ;
          Height = 23, ;
          Left = 160, ;
          Top = 4, ;
          Width = 19, ;
          Name = "txtKey"
       PROCEDURE Load
          CREATE TABLE tblUpdate (cField1 C(25), iField1 I)
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate VALUES ("Hello", 1)
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate VALUES ("GoodBye", 2)
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate VALUES ("So long", 3)
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate VALUES ("Adios", 4)
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate VALUES ("Greetings!", 5)
       PROCEDURE cmdUpdate.Click
          *!* The following lines will cause the error.
          UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = ThisForm.txtValue.VALUE ;
             WHERE iField1 = 2
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = THIS.PARENT.txtValue.VALUE ;
             WHERE iField1 = 2
          *!* The following lines will not cause the error.
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = EVALUATE("THIS.PARENT.txtValue.VALUE") ;
             WHERE iField1 = 2
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = ThisForm.cValue ;
             WHERE iField1 = 2
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 =  EVALUATE("THIS.PARENT.txtValue.VALUE") ;
             WHERE iField1 = ThisForm.txtKey.VALUE
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = ThisForm.cValue ;
             WHERE iField1 = ThisForm.txtKey.VALUE
          *!* The following two lines, taken together, do not cause the error.
          *!* loTextbox = ThisForm.txtValue
          *!* UPDATE tblUpdate ;
             SET cField1 = loTextbox.Value ;
             WHERE iField1 = 2
       PROCEDURE cmdUpdate.Error
          LPARAMETERS nError, cMethod, nLine
          =MESSAGEBOX("Error in UPDATE command: " + MESSAGE() )
       PROCEDURE cmdInsert.Click
          INSERT INTO tblUpdate ;
             VALUES (ThisForm.txtValue.Value, RECCOUNT() + 1 )
       PROCEDURE cmdBrowse.Click
  2. Uncomment each UPDATE statement in turn to see the problem and the various workarounds.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/12/2003
Keywords:kbDatabase kbprb KB310569 kbAudDeveloper