Macintosh QuickBASIC 1.00 System Requirements (31937)

This article was previously published under Q31937


Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh requires a Macintosh with a 128K ROM and 1 megabyte of RAM, as follows:

  1. Macintosh Plus
  2. Macintosh SE
  3. Macintosh II
QuickBASIC will not run correctly on (and has not been tested on) a 128K-RAM, 512K-RAM, or 512K-RAM E (Enhanced) Macintosh. (The 512K-RAM unenhanced Macintosh has a 64K ROM. The 512K-RAM Enhanced Macintosh has a 128K ROM. The "Enhanced" refers to the upgrade to the 128K ROM.)

QuickBASIC requires System and Finder versions no earlier than System Version 4.10 and Finder Version 5.50.

Programs can be developed using only one 800K disk drive, but very frequent disk exchanges will be required. Using two drives, at least one of which is 800K, is much more efficient. Microsoft recommends two drives, at least one of which is 800K or larger. For the serious developer, a hard disk is better still.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB31937