Difference between Saving as Text, Compressed, and Protected (31930)

This article was previously published under Q31930


There are three formats in which QuickBASIC program source files can be saved:

  1. Compressed

    Compressed program files are tokenized binary files that load more quickly into the QuickBASIC environment and take up less disk space than files saved as Text.
  2. Text

    ASCII Text source files are useful if editing is to be done with an editor other than the QuickBASIC editor environment. Other editors will not load the file unless it is saved as ASCII Text.

    Please note that if Macintosh resources are stored in a source file, the QuickBASIC editor environment automatically preserves the resources when it saves the file. Other editors may not save resources stored in the source code.
  3. Protected

    Protected files can be run only within the QuickBASIC environment, and cannot be compiled. Attempting to compile a protected program gives you "Illegal Function Call." A protected program's source code cannot be accessed. This format is useful only when you want to give someone a final copy of the program and do not want him or her to view the source code. Save a copy of the program as Text or Compressed before saving the file as Protected; otherwise, you cannot see or make any more changes to the code.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB31930