Macintosh QuickBASIC System Error 12 Using INIT or Old Finder (31887)

This article was previously published under Q31887


A System Error ID=12 ("Unimplemented core routine error") can occur when trying to run QuickBASIC under a Finder version earlier than 5.5 or a System version earlier than 4.1. A system hang occurs because QuickBASIC makes a call to the system trap that is not implemented in earlier versions of the System and Finder.

These system version requirements are documented on Page 4 of the "QuickBASIC for Apple Macintosh: User's Guide" (and also further below).

System Error 12 can also occur if system traps used by QuickBASIC conflict with an INIT file stored in your System Folder. QuickBASIC is not designed to be compatible with INITs and you will need to remove the incompatible INITs from the System Folder.

System Error 12 can also occur if you use the Toolbox statement to invoke a routine that is not implemented in your version of the System or ROM. For example, the new routines in "Inside Macintosh" Volume V (Published by Addison-Wesley) require System Version 6.0 or later. The SndPlay system trap, which is documented in Volume V, plays a sound or "snd " resource and gives System Error 12 unless you boot with System 6.0 or later.


Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 1.00 for the Apple Macintosh has the following system requirements:

  1. A Macintosh with a 128K ROM (such as the Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE, or Macintosh II)
  2. System Version 4.1 or later
  3. Finder Version 5.5 or later
  4. Two disk drives, at least one of which must handle 800K disks
Note that QuickBASIC will not run on a 128K-RAM or 512K-RAM Macintosh that has the older, non-Enhanced (64K) ROM.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB31887