QB.EXE "Bad File Mode" Using Merge of Fast Load Format File (31057)

This article was previously published under Q31057


In the QB.EXE editor (or QBX.EXE editor from Basic PDS Version 7.00), the Merge command on the File menu will generate a "Bad File Mode" error if the file being merged from the disk was saved in Fast Load format. The Merge command requires that the external file be in Text format.

During a merge, it is acceptable to have a Fast Load format program currently loaded in the QB.EXE editor (or QBX.EXE from Basic PDS Version 7.00); however, the file to be merged must have been saved in Text format, not in Fast Load format.

This information also applies to the QuickBasic QB.EXE editor that comes with Microsoft Basic Compiler Version 6.00 or 6.00b for MS-DOS and MS OS/2 and to the QBX.EXE editor that comes with Microsoft Basic PDS Version 7.00 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2.

Modification Type: Minor Last Reviewed: 1/9/2003
Keywords: KB31057