FRS event log error codes (308406)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

This article was previously published under Q308406


This article describes the Event Viewer events that may be caused by File Replication Service (FRS). These events are displayed in the FRS log.


  • Event ID: 13500
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Filter
    Message Text: File Replication Service
  • Event ID: 13501
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text: The File Replication Service is starting.
  • Event ID: 13502
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text: The File Replication Service is stopping.
  • Event ID: 13503
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text: The File Replication Service has stopped.
  • Event ID: 13504
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text: The File Replication Service stopped without cleaning up.
  • Event ID: 13505
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Event consolidation based on ID, source, or computer.
    Message Text: The File Replication Service has stopped after taking an assertion failure.
  • Event ID: 13506
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer, desc (par 3).
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service failed a consistency check (%3) in "%1" at line %2. The File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. If this problem persists a subsequent entry in this event log describes the recovery procedure. For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service, and Recovery.

  • Event ID: 13507
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer, desc (par 4).
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot start replica set %1 on computer %2 for directory %3 because the type of volume %4 is not NTFS 5.0 or later. The volume's type can be found by typing "chkdsk %4". The volume can be upgraded to NTFS 5.0 or later by typing
    "chkntfs /E %4".

  • Event ID: 13508
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Warning alert, states the need to look for event ID 13509 to see if everything is working as expected.
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is having trouble enabling replication from %1 to %2 for %3 using the DNS name %4. FRS will keep retrying.
    Following are some of the reasons you would see this warning.

    [1] FRS can not correctly resolve the DNS name %4 from this computer.
    [2] FRS is not running on %4.
    [3] The topology information in the Active Directory for this replica has not yet replicated to all the Domain Controllers.

    This event log message will appear once for each connection. After the problem is fixed you will see another event log message that indicates that the connection has been established.

  • Event ID: 13509
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text: The File Replication Service has enabled replication from %1 to %2 for %3 after repeated retries.
  • Event ID: 13510
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Filter
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service on the computer %1 cannot communicate with the File Replication Service on the computer %2. Verify that the computer %2 is up and running. Verify that the File Replication Service is running on %2 by typing "net start ntfrs" on %2. Verify that the network is functioning between %1 and %2 by typing "ping %1" on %2 and "ping %2" on %1. If the pings succeed then retry the failed operation.If the pings fail then there may be problems with the DNS server.The DNS server is responsible for mapping computer names to IP addresses. The commands "ipconfig" and "nslookup" help diagnose problems with the DNS server. Typing "ipconfig /all" will list the computer's IP address and the IP address of the computer's DNS servers. Type "ping DNS server's IP address" to verify that a DNS server is available. The DNS mapping for %2 or %1 can be verified by typing "nslookup" and then typing "%2" and then "%1" on %1 and %2. Be sure to check out the DNS server on both %1 and %2; a DNS problem on either computer will prevent proper communication.

    Some network problems between %1 and %2 can be cleared up by flushing the DNS Resolver Cache. Type "ipconfig /flushdns". Some network problems between %1 and %2 can be cleared up by renewing the IP address. Type "ipconfig /release" followed by "ipconfig /renew".

    Some network problems between %1 and %2 can be cleared up by resetting the computer's DNS entry. Type "net stop NetLogon" followed by "net start NetLogon". Some problems between %1 and %2 can be cleared up by restarting the File Replication Service. Type "net stop ntfrs" followed by "net start ntfrs". Some problems between %1 and %2 can be cleared up by restarting the computers %1 and %2 after closing running applications, especially dcpromo. Click on Start, Shutdown, select Restart, and click on OK. Other network and computer problems are beyond the scope of this event log message.

  • Event ID: 13511
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is stopping on computer %1 because there is no free space on the volume containing %2. The available space on the volume can be found by typing "dir %2". Once free space is made available on the volume containing %2, the File Replication Service can be restarted immediately by typing "net start ntfrs". Otherwise, the File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service, and Recovery. For more information about managing space on a volume type "copy /?", "rename
    /?", "del /?", "rmdir /?", and "dir /?".

  • Event ID: 13512
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Event consolidation based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected an enabled disk write cache on the drive containing the directory %2 on the computer %1. The File Replication Service might not recover when power to the drive is interrupted and critical updates are lost.

  • Event ID: 13513
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service on computer %1 is stopping because the database %2 is corrupted. The database can be recovered by typing "esentutl /d %2 /l%3 /s%4". Once the database has been successfully recovered the File Replication Service can be restarted by typing "net start ntfrs".

  • Event ID: 13514
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Event consolidation based on ID, source, computer - 1 day
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume is being initialized with data from another domain controller and then shared as SYSVOL. Type "net share" to check for the SYSVOL share. The File Replication Service has stopped preventing the computer from becoming a domain controller once the SYSVOL share appears. The initialization of the system volume can take some time. The time is dependent on the amount of data in the system volume, the availability of other domain controllers, and the replication interval between domain controllers.

  • Event ID: 13515
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Event consolidation based on ID, source, computer - 1 day
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service may be preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller while the system volume is being initialized and then shared as SYSVOL. Type "net share" to check for the SYSVOL share.

  • Event ID: 13516
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect for now - future use script to look for missing event after certain period after reboot
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is no longer preventing the computer %1 from becoming a domain controller. The system volume has been successfully initialized and the Netlogon service has been notified that the system
    volume is now ready to be shared as SYSVOL. Type "net share" to check for the SYSVOL share.

  • Event ID: 13517
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service will not check access to the API "%1". Access checks can be enabled for "%1" by running regedt32. Click on Start, Run, and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, Access Checks, "%1", and "%2". Change the string to Enabled. Permissions can be changed by highlighting "%1" and then clicking on the toolbar option Security and then Permissions.

  • Event ID: 13518 Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service did not grant the user "%3" access to the API "%1". Permissions for "%1" can be changed by running regedt32. Click on Start, Run, and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, Access Checks, and highlight "%1". Click on the toolbar option Security and then Permissions. Access checks can be disabled for "%1". Double click on "%2" and change the string to Disabled.

  • Event ID: 13519
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service could not grant an unknown user access to the
    API "%1". Access checks can be disabled for "%1" by running regedt32. Click on Start, Run, and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, Access Checks, "%1", and "%2". Change the string to Disabled. Permissions can be changed by highlighting "%1" and then clicking on the toolbar option Security and then Permissions.

  • Event ID: 13520
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service moved the preexisting files in %1 to %2. The File Replication Service may delete the files in %2 at any time. Files can be saved from deletion by copying them out of %2. Copying the files into %1 may lead to name conflicts if the files already exist on some other replicating partner. In some cases, the File Replication Service may copy a file from %2 into %1 instead of replicating the file from some other replicating partner. Space can be recovered at any time by deleting the files in %2.

  • Event ID: 13521
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot enable replication on the comptuer %1 until a backup/restore application completes. A backup/restore application has set a registry key that prevents the File Replication Service from starting until the registry key is deleted or the system is rebooted. The backup/restore application may still be running. Check with your local administrator before proceeding further. The computer can be rebooted by clicking on Start, Shutdown, and selecting Restart.


    Applications may fail in unexpected ways. The registry key can be deleted by running regedt32.

    Click on Start, Run, and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, Backup/Restore, "Stop NtFrs from Starting". On the toolbar, click on Edit and select Delete. Be careful! Deleting a key other than "Stop NtFrs From Starting" can have unexpected sideeffects.

  • Event ID: 13522
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service paused because the staging area is full. Replication will resume if staging space becomes available or if the staging space limit is increased. The current value of the staging space limit is %1 KB. To change the staging space limit, run regedt32. Click on Start, Run and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and the value "Staging Space Limit in KB".

  • Event ID: 13523
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service paused because the size of a file exceeds the staging space limit. Replication will resume only if the staging space limit is increased. The staging space limit is %1 KB and the file size is %2 KB. To change the staging space limit, run regedt32. Click on Start, Run and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Double click on SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and the value "Staging Space Limit in KB".

  • Event ID: 13524
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is stopping on the computer %1 because a universally unique ID (UUID) cannot be created. The SDK function UuidCreate() returned the error "%2". The problem may be the lack of an Ethernet address, token ring address, or network address. The lack of a network address implies an unsupported netcard. The File Replication Service will restart automatically at a later time. For more information about the automatic restart right click on My Computer and then click on Manage, System Tools, Services, File Replication Service, and Recovery.

  • Event ID: 13525
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot find the DNS name for the computer %1 because the "%2" attribute could not be read from the distinguished name "%3". The File Replication Service will try using the name "%1" until the computer's DNS name appears.

  • Event ID: 13526
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 with the computer %2 because the computer's SID cannot be determined from the distinguished name "%3". The File Replication Service will retry later.

  • Event ID: 13527
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC binding failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13528
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC binding failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13529
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC call failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13530
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC call failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13531
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC binding failed in the Collect function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available till the binding succeeds. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13532
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC binding failed in the Collect function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available till the binding succeeds. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13533
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC call failed in the Collect function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available till the call succeeds. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13534
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The RPC call failed in the Collect function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available till the call succeeds. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13535
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The call to VirtualAlloc failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13536
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The call to VirtualAlloc failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13537
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The call to the Registry failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaSet Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaSet object contains the performance counters of the Replica sets whose files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13538
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The call to the Registry failed in the Open function of the FileReplicaConn Object. The counter data for this object will not be available. The FileReplicaConn object contains the performance counters of the connections over which files are being replicated by the File Replication Service.

  • Event ID: 13539
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because the pathname of the replicated directory is not the fully qualified pathname of an existing, accessible local directory.

  • Event ID: 13540
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because the pathname of the customer designated staging directory: %2 is not the fully qualified pathname of an existing, accessible local directory.

  • Event ID: 13541
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because it overlaps the File Replication Service's logging pathname %2.

  • Event ID: 13542
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because it overlaps the File Replication Service's working directory %2.

  • Event ID: 13543
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because it overlaps the staging directory %2.

  • Event ID: 13544
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because it overlaps the replicating directory %2.

  • Event ID: 13545
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service cannot replicate %1 because it overlaps the staging directory %2 of the replicating directory %3.

  • Event ID: 13546
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service could not prepare the root directory %1 for replication. This is likely due to a problem creating the root directory or a problem removing preexisting files in the root directory. Check that the path leading up to the root directory exists and is accessible.

  • Event ID: 13547
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service detected an invalid parameter value in the registry. %1. The expected registry key name is "%2". The expected value name is "%3". The expected registry data type is %4. The allowed range for this parameter is %5 The data units for this parameter value are %6. The File Replication Service is using a default value of "%7". To change this parameter, run regedt32. Click on Start, Run and type regedt32. Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click down the key path: "%8" Double click on the value name - "%9" and update the value. If the value name is not present you may add it with the Add Value function under the Edit Menu item. Type the value name exactly as shown above using the above registry data type. Make sure you observe the data units and allowed range when entering the value.

  • Event ID: 13548
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is unable to replicate with its partner computer because the difference in clock times is outside the range of plus or minus %1 minutes. The connection to the partner computer is: "%2" The detected time difference is: %3 minutes.

    Note: If this time difference is close to a multiple of 60 minutes then it is likely that either this computer or its partner computer was set to the incorrect time zone when the computer time was initially set. Check that the time zone and the system time are correctly set on both computers.If necessary, the default value used to test for computer time consistency may be changed in the registry on this computer. (Note: This is not recommended.)

    To change this parameter, run regedt32. Click on Start, Run and type regedt32.

    Click on the window entitled HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Click down the key path: "System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters" Double click on the value name "Partner Clock Skew In Minutes" and update the value. If the value name is not present you may add it with the Add Value function under the Edit Menu item. Type the value name exactly as shown above using the the registry data type REG_DWORD.

  • Event ID: 13549
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is unable to replicate from a partner computer because the event time associated with the file to be replicated is too far into the future. It is %1 minutes greater than the current time. This can happen if the system time on the partner computer was set incorrectly when the file was created or updated. To preserve the integrity of the replica set this file update will not be performed or propagated further. The file name is: "%2" The connection to the partner computer is: "%3" Note: If this time difference is close to a multiple of 60 minutes then it is likely that this file may have been created or updated on the partner computer while the computer was set to the incorrect time zone when its computer time was initially set. Check that the timezone and time are correctly set on the partner computer.

  • Event ID: 13550
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is unable to open the customer designated staging directory for replica set %1. The path used for the staging directory is, "%2" The customer designated root path for this replica set is: "%3" The service is unable to start replication on this replica set. Among the possible errors to check are:
    -- an invalid staging path,
    -- a missing directory,
    -- a missing disk volume,
    -- a file system on the volume that does not support ACLs,
    -- a sharing conflict on the staging directory with some other application.
    Correct the problem and the service will attempt to restart replication automatically at a later time.

  • Event ID: 13551
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is unable to open (or create) the pre-install directory under the customer designated replica tree directory for replica set %1. The path used for the pre-install directory is, "%2" The customer designated root path for this replica set is: "%3" The service is unable to start replication on this replica set. Among the possible errors to check are:
    -- an invalid root path,
    -- a missing directory,
    -- a missing disk volume,
    -- a file system on the volume that does not support NTFS 5.0
    -- a sharing conflict on the pre-install directory with some other application.
    Correct the problem and the service will attempt to restart replication automatically at a later time.

  • Event ID: 13552
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is unable to add this computer to the following replica set: "%1" This could be caused by a number of problems such as:
    -- an invalid root path,
    -- a missing directory,
    -- a missing disk volume,
    -- a file system on the volume that does not support NTFS 5.0

    The information below may help to resolve the problem:

    Computer DNS name is "%2" Replica set member name is "%3" Replica set root path is "%4" Replica staging directory path is "%5" Replica working directory path is "%6" Windows error status code is %7 FRS error status code is %8 Other event log messages may also help determine the problem. Correct the problem and the service will attempt to restart replication automatically at a later time.

  • Event ID: 13553
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service successfully added this computer to the following replica set: "%1" Information related to this event is shown below: Computer DNS name is "%2" Replica set member name is "%3" Replica set root path is "%4" Replica staging directory path is "%5" Replica working directory path is "%6"

  • Event ID: 13554
    Event Type: Informational
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service successfully added the connections shown below to the replica set: "%1" %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 More information may appear in subsequent event log messages.

  • Event ID: 13555
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is in an error state. Files will not replicate to or from one or all of the replica sets on this computer until the following recovery steps are performed:
    Recovery Steps: [1] The error state may clear itself

  • Event ID: 13556
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected what appears to be an attempt to change the root path for the following replica set: "%1" This is not allowed. To perform this operation you must remove this member from the replica set and add the member back with the new root path. It is possible that this is a transient error due to Active Directory replication delays associated with updating FRS configuration objects. If file replication does not take place after an appropriate waiting time, which could be several hours if cross site Active Directory replication is required, you must delete and re-add this member to the replica set. Information related to this event is shown below:

    Computer DNS name is "%2", Replica set member name is "%3", The current Replica set root path is "%4", The desired new Replica set root path is "%5", Replica staging directory path is "%6"

  • Event ID: 13557
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected a duplicate connection object between this computer "%6" and a computer named "%1". This was detected for the following replica set: "%2" This is not allowed and replication will not occur between these two computers until the duplicate connection objects are removed. It is possible that this is a transient error due to Active Directory replication delays associated with updating FRS configuration objects. If file replication does not take place after an appropriate waiting time, which could be several hours if cross site Active Directory replication is required, you must manually delete the duplicate connection objects by following the steps below:

    [1] Start the Active Directory Sites and Services Snapin.
    [2] Click on "%3, %4, %5, %6, %7".
    [3] Look for duplicate connections from "%1" in site "%8".
    [4] Delete all but one of the connections.

  • Event ID: 13558
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected a duplicate connection object between this computer "%7" and a computer named "%1". This was detected for the following replica set: "%2" This is not allowed and replication will not occur between these two computers until the duplicate connection objects are removed. It is possible that this is a transient error due to Active Directory replication delays associated with updating FRS configuration objects. If file replication does not take place after an appropriate waiting time, which could be several hours if cross site Active Directory replication is required, you must manually delete the duplicate connection objects by following the steps below:

    [1] Start the Active Directory Users and Computers Snapin.

    [2] Click the view button and advanced features to display the system node.

    [3] Click on "%3, %4, %5".

    [4] Under "%5" you will see one or more DFS related replica set objects.

    Look for the FRS member object "%6" under the subtree for replica set "%2".

    [5] Under "%6" look for duplicate connections from "%1".
    [6] Delete all but one of the connections.

  • Event ID: 13559
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the replica root path has changed from "%2" to "%3". If this is an intentional move then a file with the name NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT needs to be created under the new root path. This was detected for the following replica set: "%1" Changing the replica root path is a two step process which is triggered by the creation of the NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT file.
    [1] At the first poll which will occur in %4 minutes this computer will be deleted from the replica set.
    [2] At the poll following the deletion this computer will be re-added to the replica set with the new root path. This re-addition will trigger a full tree sync for the replica set. At the end of the sync all the files will be at the new location. The files may or may not be deleted from the old location depending on whether they are needed or not.

  • Event ID: 13560
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Collect
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service is deleting this computer from the replica set "%1" as an attempt to recover from the error state, Error status = %2 At the next poll, which will occur in %3 minutes, this computer will be re-added to the replica set. The re-addition will trigger a full tree sync for the replica set.

  • Event ID: 13561
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer - state to look for event ID 13560 to indicate that the error is auto recover
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set "%1" is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR. Replica set name is : "%1" Replica root path is : "%2" Replica root volume is : "%3" A Replica set hits JRNL_WRAP_ERROR when the record that it is trying to read from the NTFS USN journal is not found. This can occur because of one of the following reasons.

    [1] Volume "%3" has been formatted.

    [2] The NTFS USN journal on volume "%3" has been deleted.

    [3] The NTFS USN journal on volume "%3" has been truncated. Chkdsk can truncate the journal if it finds corrupt entries at the end of the journal.

    [4] File Replication Service was not running on this computer for a long time.

    [5] File Replication Service could not keep up with the rate of Disk IO activity on "%3".

    Following recovery steps will be taken to automatically recover from this error state.

    [1] At the first poll which will occur in %4 minutes this computer will be deleted from the replica set.

    [2] At the poll following the deletion this computer will be re-added to the replica set. The re-addition will trigger a full tree sync for the replica set.

  • Event ID: 13562
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Alert suppressed based on ID, source, computer - state to look for event ID 13560 to indicate that the error is auto recover
    Message Text:

    Following is the summary of warnings and errors encountered by File Replication Service while polling the Domain Controller %1 for FRS replica set configuration information. %2

  • Event ID: 13563
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the staging path for the replica set %1 has changed. Current staging path = %2 New staging path = %3 The service will start using the new staging path after it restarts.

  • Event ID: 13564
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Warning alert suppressed based on ID, source and computer
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the volume holding the FRS debug logs is running out of disk space. This will not affect replication unless this volume hosts database, staging, or replica root paths aswell. Path to the logs directory = %1 You can change the number and size of logs by adjusting the following registry values. Sample values are shown below. These values are under the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/ Services/NtFrs/Parameters Debug Log Files REG_DWORD 0x5 Debug Log Severity REG_DWORD 0x2 Debug Maximum Log Messages REG_DWORD 0x2710 You can also change the path to the logs directory by changing the following value at the same location. Debug Log File REG_SZ %windir%\debug Changes to the registry values will take affect at the next polling cycle.

  • Event ID: 13565
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Initial non-authoritative restore in progress
    Message Text:

    File Replication Service is initializing the system volume with data from another domain controller. Computer %1 cannot become a domain controller until this process is complete. The system volume will then be shared as SYSVOL. To check for the SYSVOL share, at the command prompt, type net share.

    When File Replication Service completes the initialization process, the SYSVOL share will appear. The initialization of the system volume can take some time. The time is dependent on the amount of data in the system volume, the availability of other domain controllers, and the replication interval between domain controllers.

  • Event ID: 13566
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Non-authoritative restore in progress
    Message Text:

    File Replication Service is scanning the data in the system volume. Computer %1 cannot become a domain controller until this process is complete. The system volume will then be shared as SYSVOL. To check for the SYSVOL share, at the command prompt, type net share.

    When File Replication Service completes the scanning process, the SYSVOL share will appear.The initialization of the system volume can take some time. The time is dependent on the amount of data in the system volume.

  • Event ID:13567
    Event Type: Warning
    Rule: Excess file updates detected
    Message Text:

    File Replication Service has detected and suppressed an average of %1 or more file updates every hour for the last %2 hours because the updates did not change the contents of the file. The tracking records in FRS debug logs will have the filename and event time for the suppressed updates. The tracking records have the date and time followed by :T: as their prefix. Updates that do not change the content of the file are suppressed to prevent unnecessary replication traffic. Following are common examples of updates that do not change the contents of the file.

    [1] Overwriting a file with a copy of the same file.
    [2] Setting the same ACLs on a file multiple times.
    [3] Restoring an identical copy of the file over an existing one.

    Suppression of updates can be disabled by running regedit. Click on Start, Run and type regedit. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters and create or update the value "Suppress Identical Updates To Files" to 0 (Default is 1) to force identical updates to replicate.

  • EventID: 13568
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Journal Wrap detected.
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the replica set "%1" is in JRNL_WRAP_ERROR.

    Replica set name is : "%1"
    Replica root path is : "%2"
    Replica root volume is : "%3"

    A Replica set hits JRNL_WRAP_ERROR when the record that it is trying to read from the NTFS USN journal is not found. This can occur because of one of the following reasons.

    [1] Volume "%3" has been formatted.
    [2] The NTFS USN journal on volume "%3" has been deleted.
    [3] The NTFS USN journal on volume "%3" has been truncated. Chkdsk can truncate the journal if it finds corrupt entries at the end of the journal.
    [4] File Replication Service was not running on this computer for a long time.
    [5] File Replication Service could not keep up with the rate of Disk IO activity on "%3".

    Setting the "Enable Journal Wrap Automatic Restore" registry parameter to 1 will cause the following recovery steps to be taken to automatically recover from this error state.

    [1] At the first poll, which will occur in %4 minutes, this computer will be deleted from the replica set. If you do not want to wait %4 minutes, then run "net stop ntfrs" followed by "net start ntfrs" to restart the File Replication Service.
    [2] At the poll following the deletion this computer will be re-added to the replica set. The re-addition will trigger a full tree sync for the replica set.

    WARNING: During the recovery process data in the replica tree may be unavailable. You should reset the registry parameter described above to 0 to prevent automatic recovery from making the data unexpectedly unavailable if this error condition occurs again.

    To change this registry parameter, run regedit. Click on Start, Run and type regedit. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Click down the key path:
    Double click on the value name
    "Enable Journal Wrap Automatic Restore" and update the value.

    If the value name is not present you may add it with the Add Value function under the Edit Menu item. Type the value name exactly as shown above using the the registry data type REG_DWORD.

  • EventID: 13570
    Event Type: Error
    Rule: Low disk space detected.
    Message Text:

    The File Replication Service has detected that the volume hosting the path C: is low on disk space. Files may not replicate until disk space is made available on this volume.

    The available space on the volume can be found by typing "dir /a c:".

    For more information about how to manage space on a volume, type "copy /?", "rename /?", "del /?", "rmdir /?", and "dir /?".

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:9/27/2006
Keywords:kbinfo KB308406 kbAudITPRO