INF: Data Types Used by Analysis Services (299905)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services

This article was previously published under Q299905


The values associated with the Data Type and Key Data Type properties are Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) data types.


The Data Types and Key Data Types properties used in an Analysis Services database affect the size of the records contained in the database. The size of a record affects Analysis Services performance in all areas, including cube size, processing time, server memory usage, server to client data transfer time, and client memory usage. The values for both the Data Type and Key Data Type properties are ADO data types. Information about the data types that are used for these properties are summarized in the following table:
OLAP Data TypeOLE DB Data Type ConstantC Data TypeDescription of the Data Type
Big IntegeradBigIntDBTYPE_I8Indicates an eight-byte signed integer.
BinaryadBinaryDBTYPE_BYTESIndicates a binary value.
BooleanadBooleanDBTYPE_BOOLIndicates a Boolean value.
BSTRadBSTRDBTYPE_BSTRIndicates a null-terminated character string (Unicode).
ChapteradChapterDBTYPE_HCHAPTERIndicates a four-byte chapter value used to identify rows in a child rowset.
CharadCharDBTYPE_STRIndicates a String value.
CurrencyadCurrencyDBTYPE_CYIndicates a currency value. Currency is a fixed-point number with four digits to the right of the decimal point and is stored in an eight-byte signed integer scaled by 10,000.
DateadDateDBTYPE_DATEIndicates a date value. Date values are stored as Double, the whole part of which is the number of days since December 30, 1899, and the fractional part of which is the fraction of a day.
DBDateadDBDateDBTYPE_DBDATEIndicates a date value (yyyymmdd).
DBTimeadDBTimeDBTYPE_DBTIMEIndicates a time value (hhmmss).
DBTimeStamp.adDBTimeStampDBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMPIndicates a date-time stamp (yyyymmddhhmmss plus a fraction in billionths).
DecimaladDecimalDBTYPE_DECIMALIndicates an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
DoubleadDoubleDBTYPE_R8Indicates a double-precision floating-point value.
EmptyadEmptyDBTYPE_EMPTYSpecifies no value was specified.
ErroradErrorDBTYPE_ERRORIndicates a 32-bit error code.
File TimeadFileTimeDBTYPE_FILETIMEIndicates a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601.
GUIDadGUIDDBTYPE_GUIDIndicates a globally unique identifier (GUID).
NumericadNumericDBTYPE_NUMERICIndicates an exact numeric value with a fixed precision and scale.
PropVariantadPropVariantDBTYPE_PROP_VARIANTIndicates an Automation PROPVARIANT.
SingleadSingleDBTYPE_R4Indicates a single-precision floating-point value.
Small IntegeradSmallIntDBTYPE_I2Indicates a two-byte signed integer.
Tiny IntegeradTinyIntDBTYPE_I1Indicates a one-byte signed integer.
Unsigned Big IntegeradUnsignedBigIntDBTYPE_UI8Indicates an eight-byte unsigned integer.
Unsigned IntegeradUnsignedIntDBTYPE_UI4Indicates a four-byte unsigned integer.
Unsigned SmalladUnsignedSmallIntDBTYPE_UI2Integer indicates a two-byte unsigned integer.
Unsigned Tiny IntegeradUnsignedTinyIntDBTYPE_UI1Indicates a one-byte unsigned integer.
User DefinedadUserDefinedDBTYPE_UDTIndicates a user-defined variable.
WCharadWCharDBTYPE_WSTRIndicates a null-terminated Unicode character string.
IDispatchadIDispatchDBTYPE_IDISPATCHIndicates a pointer to an IDispatch interface on an OLE object. This data type is not currently supported by ADO, and usage of this data type may cause unpredictable results.
IntegeradIntegerDBTYPE_I4Indicates a four-byte signed integer.
IUnknownadIUnknownDBTYPE_IUNKNOWNIndicates a pointer to an IUnknown interface on an OLE object. This data type is not currently supported by ADO, and usage of this data type may cause unpredictable results.
VariantadVariantDBTYPE_VARIANTIndicates an Automation Variant. This data type is not currently supported by ADO, and usage of this data type may cause unpredictable results.
Long VarBinaryadLongVarBinaryIndicates a long binary value (Parameter object only).
Long VarCharadLongVarCharIndicates a long String value (Parameter object only).
Long VarWCharadLongVarWCharIndicates a long null-terminated string value (Parameter object only).
VarBinaryadVarBinaryIndicates a binary value (Parameter object only).
VarCharadVarCharIndicates a String value (Parameter object only).
VarNumericadVarNumericIndicates a numeric value (Parameter object only).
VarWCharadVarWCharIndicates a null-terminated Unicode character string (Parameter object only).


For more information about the ADO data types used with the Data Type and Key Data Type properties, refer to the MSDN topic DataTypeEnum at:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/24/2003
Keywords:kbinfo KB299905 kbAudDeveloper