Passport Login Page Appears in the Wrong Language (299513)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Passport 1.3
  • Microsoft Passport 1.4

This article was previously published under Q299513


The Passport Login page appears in the wrong language.


The Passport network server pages are localized to accommodate many different languages. The AuthURL2 and LogoTag2 methods of the Passport Manager and Passport FastAuth objects accept a LangID parameter, which determines the display language of the Passport Login page that the method output URL points to. See the "Resolution" section for information on how to determine the cause of this problem.


If the Passport Login page appears in the wrong language, verify the following:
  • Did you send the correct LangID parameter to the LoginUser, AuthURL2, or LogoTag2 method?
  • Is the LangID parameter a valid LCID value as specified in the Passport Software Development Kit (SDK), or in general Microsoft Platform SDK documentation? The Passport Manager Administration utility restricts you to known LCIDs when setting the method defaults, but if you specified LCID directly as a method parameter it is possible to specify an invalid LCID, which does not generate a run-time error in the method. For more information about method defaults, see the "More Information" section.
  • Did you provide the value for the LangID parameter in decimal form rather than the Win32 programming hexadecimal form, or as string? LangID is presumed to be in decimal form, although you can specify it in hex form using language-specific hex representations. For example, &H0409 in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) is equivalent to the decimal value 1033.


Although some parameters of Microsoft Passport methods are listed as optional, those methods generate URLs or results that reflect inherent default values when they are called. These default parameter values can be used to provide consistent site-wide values, such as Language ID. Use the Passport Manager Administration utility to set these defaults.

If a certain server on your site is dedicated to a particular language or locale, it may be useful to set the Language ID on that server to always be a consistent value rather than declaring the locale identifier (LCID) in each method call. The Language ID declares the language that Passport service pages (such as sign-in and registration) render in when they are obtained with the URL results of the LoginUser, AuthURL2, LogoTag2, or GetDomainAttribute methods. Note that there may still be reasons to declare LCID by method call or user access if your site expects to handle multiple languages and uses either Passport profile information or browser sniffing to determine the user's probable language choice.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:9/30/2003
Keywords:kbprb KB299513