How To Test Visual Studio 6.0 Products Using the "Hello World" Method (296107)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio, Enterprise Edition 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, 32-bit, for Windows 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows 6.0

This article was previously published under Q296107


This article shows how to create a "Hello World" application to test whether individual Visual Studio 6.0 product are correctly installed.


The successful running of a "Hello World" application does not test for or guarantee full functionality of these development tools. In a development environment, mismatched DLLs, header files, and corrupt files from previous installations are just a few of the possible causes of problems that may not be uncovered by the "Hello World" test. These problems are sometimes only apparent once application development is under way. Such problems may be easy or difficult to fix, but usually they do not require reinstallation of the product.

Steps to Create a Hello World Application in Visual Basic 6.0

  1. Start Visual basic 6.0.
  2. From File menu, click New Project.
  3. In the New project window, select Standard EXE, and then click OK.

    A blank form should appear in the window.
  4. Double-click the label tool, which is the uppercase A in the Toolbox. This will place a "Label1" on the form. The Toolbox bar by default will be on the left side. If the Toolbox is not visible, from the View menu, click Toolbox.
  5. Click the text label on the form and type "Hello World", including the quotation marks, which will replace the existing Label1 text.
  6. From the Run menu, click Start.

    A blank window titled "Form1" with a text label of "Hello World" in the body should appear.NOTE: If the window does not appear, there is something wrong with the Visual Basic installation.

Steps to Create a Hello World Application in Visual C++ 6.0

  1. Start Visual C++ 6.0
  2. From the File menu, click New.
  3. On the Projects tab, select Win32 Application. Make sure that Create new workspace is selected. Type a name for the project, and then click OK.
  4. Choose A typical "Hello World!" Application from the "step 1" screen, and then click Finish.
  5. In the New Project Information dialog box, click OK.

    Visual C++ should now create the project.
  6. To test the project: From the Build menu, click !Execute. When asked if you want to build the file, choose Yes.

    The application will be built and a window will appear with "Hello World" and "Press any key to continue" displayed.NOTE: If the window does not appear, there is something wrong with the Visual C++ 6.0 installation.

Steps to Create a Hello World Application in Visual InterDev 6.0

Once you have completed the Visual InterDev installation and the installation of FrontPage Server Extensions on the Microsoft Internet Information Server (if needed for your scenario), you will be ready to test Visual InterDev.
  1. Start Visual InterDev.

    NOTE: If you have also installed Visual J++, you will see both products displayed on the splash screen and in other areas throughout Visual InterDev because they share the same integrated development environment (IDE).
  2. In the New Project window, verify that Visual InterDev Projects is selected, and then click New Web Project.
  3. Provide the project name and location, and then click Open.
  4. The Web Project Wizard will be launched and you will be at step 1 (of 4), where you must specify a server and mode.

    In the What server do you want to use? drop-down box, type the computer name. If you need to determine the computer name, go to Control Panel and open the Network utility, and then click the Identification tab, where you fill find the name of the computer.

    NOTE: On Windows 2000 computers, this information is found in the Control Panel's Network and Dial-Up Connections utility, on the Network Identification tab.

    Under What mode do you want to work in? select:

    Master mode if you want changes saved to both the local files on your workstation Web application and the master files on the master Web server.

    Local mode if you want changes made to files to be saved to your workstation's copy of the files residing in the local Web application and not to the master Web application. The master Web application must be updated explicitly by releasing the working copy or synchronizing the project.

    If you are unsure select Local.
  5. Click Next. You will see a message stating "Contacting Web server."

    Note: If the Wizard progresses to step 2, the Web server has been properly configured. If not, you will receive a message stating that it was "Unable to contact web server http://<computer name>". For additional information on this error message, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    220166 PRB: Troubleshooting 'Unable to Contact Web Server' in Visual InterDev

    Another reason that you might receive this message is that the Web server has been stopped and must be restarted or that you do not have privileges to connect to the Web server. On Windows NT 4 Server-based computers you can check the server status in the Services utility in Control Panel. On Windows 2000 Server-based computers, Services is accessible through Administrative Tools. On Windows NT 4 Workstation and Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition-based computers, if the Personal Web Server (PWS) icon in the system tray on your task bar has a red mark through it, right-click the icon and then click Start Service from the pop-up menu.
  6. Continue with the remaining steps of the Wizard and use the default selections. When you finish Finish, a message will appear stating "Creating Project File" and "Copying Script Library". When the process is complete, your Visual InterDev IDE will be open with the Toolbox and Project Explorer visible.
  7. Click on any file listed in the Project Explorer.
  8. From the Project menu, click Add Item, and then click Site Diagram. Give the diagram a name and then click Open. An Open Web dialog box will appear, and then the new Site Diagram page will open and display the default home (Default.htm).
  9. Save the project: From the File menu, click Save <item>.

    Note that Default.htm now appears in the Project Explorer.
  10. Double-click Default.htm and it will open.
  11. Type Hello World on the page and then save the project again: From the File menu, click Save.
  12. In the Project Explorer, right-click Default.htm and select View in Browser from the pop-up menu. Your browser window should open with the Default.htm page displayed

    NOTE: If the browser window does not appear, there is something wrong with Visual InterDev 6.0 installation.

Steps to Create a Hello World Application in Visual J++ 6.0

  1. Start Visual J++.

    NOTE: If you have also installed Visual InterDev, you will see both products displayed on the splash screen and in other areas throughout Visual J++ because they share the same IDE.
  2. In the New Project window, expand Visual J++ Projects, and then double-click Web Pages and select Code-behind HTML.
  3. Provide the project Name and Location, and then click Open.

    NOTE: You may be notified that Microsoft Language Extensions are required and that they run only on Windows systems with the Microsoft Virtual Machine for Java installed and may not run on other virtual machines. Click Yes.
  4. In the Project Explorer window, expand and Page1.htm.
  5. Double-click Page1.htm to open it. The page will display "This is bound text."
  6. In the Toolbox, click the HTML tab.
  7. From within the Toolbox, click and hold the left mouse button on the Button tool. Drag the Button onto the page.
  8. Click the Source tab to expose the source code.
  9. Click the Scripting Outline tab. This is normally on the lower left in the IDE and will replace the Toolbox window with the Scripting Outline window. If it is not already expanded, expand Client Objects and Events.
  10. Under Client Objects and Events, if not already visible, expand button1 to expose its methods.
  11. Double-click onclick.

    The following code will be added to your source code:
    <SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersJS LANGUAGE=javascript>
    function button1_onclick() {
    [The cursor will be blinking here.]

    The cursor will be automatically positioned below the function statement in the correct location to add your code.
  12. Add this code:
    window.alert("Hello World!")
  13. Save your project: From the File menu, click Save Page1.htm.
  14. Click the Quick View tab, and then click the button object. If all has gone well, you will see an alert window appear with your "Hello World!" message displayed.

    NOTE: If you do not receive the alert window there is something wrong with the Visual J++ 6.0 installation.

Steps to Create a Hello World Application in Visual FoxPro 6.0

  1. Start Visual FoxPro 6.0.
  2. When the "Welcome to Visual FoxPro" screen appears, click Close this screen.
  3. From the File menu, click New.. Select the Program radio button. To confirm, click the New File button on the right or double-click the Program radio button.
  4. In the newly created program dialog box, type @ 1, 5 say "Hello World".
  5. From the File menu, click Save as, and save the file as "Hello". Close the Hello.prg window by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
  6. From the Program menu, click Do. and select the Hello.prg file. Click the Do button. If the program is working properly "Hello World" should appear in the upper left of the IDE parent window. It might be necessary to close or move any child windows that obscure this display.

    NOTE: If the "Hello World" text does not display in the parent IDE window, there is a problem with the Visual FoxPro 6.0 installation.

Steps to Test a Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Installation

Visual SourceSafe is not a development environment. Think of it instead as a library that you can check files in and out of. If there is only one copy of a file, only one person can check it out at a time so that no one overwrites work that someone else has already checked in. Use the following steps to test the installation:
  1. On your desktop, create a text file called "Test".
  2. Open this document and place a couple of characters on the first line.
  3. Open the Visual SourceSafe Explorer from the Start menu. (To do so, typically: Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Xxxxxxx 6.0, point to Microsoft Visual SourceSafe, and then click Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0.
  4. If this is the first time Visual SourceSafe is being run, several different things could happen:

    If you installed Visual SourceSafe by using the NetSetup.exe file located on the server, you will need a password from the administrator to log on to Visual SourceSafe.

    If Visual SourceSafe was installed from a CD or DVD, log on to Visual SourceSafe as "admin" with the password field blank. You will get a warning stating that your password is blank. Click OK and log on. Later you can use this same tool to set up user accounts for your users and developers. (For more information on setting up user accounts, see the Readme file that is included with Visual SourceSafe.)

    After the Visual SourceSafe Explorer has opened, you will see several frames. In the left frame, you will see the root Visual SourceSafe project, "$/".
  5. Drag the text file that you created earlier onto the root project. You will see it appear in the right frame. You may be asked to set a working directory. For the purposes of this test, agree to use the default setting.
  6. Right-click this file and choose Edit from the context menu.
  7. Make sure the radio button that says Check out this file and edit in your working folder is selected, and then click OK.
  8. Click OK again to get through the comment screen. If you haven't set a working directory previously, you will be prompted to create one. Click OK. You should see an icon next to the Test.txt file that resembles a red box with a checkbox in it. The program will also list who has the file checked out and where their working directory is located.
  9. Changes can now be made to the document. For example, add a second line of text. When finished making your changes, save the document and close your editor.
  10. Right-click the file in the Visual SourceSafe Explorer and choose Check in.NOTE: If you were unable to make changes, save and check them in, or view these changes, or you are unable to see the icons, something is wrong with the Visual Source Safe 6.0 installation.

Steps to Test an Installation of the MSDN Library

The MSDN Library is not a development tool. It is the Help system for the Visual Studio development tools mentioned in this article. The MSDN Library can be tested for proper installation by starting it and watching it open in its own window.

To start the MSDN Library:
  • Click Start, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Developer Network, and then click MSDN Library (<edition>). -or

  • Press F1 or use the Help menu from within one of the Visual Studio products.NOTE: The MSDN Library should start and you should have full access to search and browse the contents of the MSDN Help files. If you have performed a typical or custom installation you may be prompted to insert the required CD to obtain the information. If you used the Full installation option, you will not be prompted for the CDs during use; all information will be available from the hard drive.

To Remove a Visual Studio Product

If you want to remove the current installation of your Visual Studio products and reinstall, use the procedure described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

248697 How To Manually Uninstall Visual Studio with MSDN Library


The following Microsoft Web page provides additional information on the Visual Studio products, including links to each product's FAQs and updates:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/15/2005
Keywords:kbhowto KB296107 kbAudDeveloper