INFO: Event ID: 5051 Replication Session DriverEvents ObjectSecurity AclFailed (288617)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Application Center 2000

This article was previously published under Q288617


Event ID: 5051
Source: Application Center
Description: Could not set security descriptor
Event Type: Error

Could not set or change security descriptor (ACL) on the object %Path% during synchronization session %ReplicationID% and job %ReplicationJobID%. Status is %Status%%StatusMessage%.

Meaning: Could not set or change the security descriptor on the object.

Effect: If this is a cluster member, the ACEs for these resources on the target member will be replaced by "Administrator - Full Control". The rest of the cluster is not affected by this problem. If this is the cluster controller, the ACEs for these resources on the entire cluster will be replaced by "Administrator - Full Control".

Possible Causes and Solutions

Wrong permissions: One probable cause of this is that the source server has an account on it for the resource that is not valid for the target server. To avoid this, use domain accounts for resources.

Account changed or missing: The AC*_ accounts have been changed or deleted. Application Center creates these accounts for performing tasks. If these accounts have been changed or deleted, see your support personnel.

Other Solutions (listed in order of preference):
  1. Use the Support Online link in the Events view.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services:

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:5/10/2001
Keywords:kbinfo KB288617