List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (2 of 4) (282524)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP2

This article was previously published under Q282524


This article is part 2 of 4 of a categorized listing of article numbers for bugs that were fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. Service packs are cumulative. This means that the bugs that are fixed in a service pack are also fixed in subsequent service packs. For example, Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 contains all fixes included in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1. You do not need to install an earlier service pack before you install Windows 2000 Service Pack 2.

Click the Qxxxxxx number that precedes the title of the bug fix to view the article about that bug. For additional listings, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

282522 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (1 of 4)

282525 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (3 of 4)

259524 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (1 of 3)

269425 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (2 of 3)

269428 List of Bugs Fixed in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 (3 of 3)

For additional information on obtaining Windows 2000 service packs, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

260910 How to Obtain the Latest Windows 2000 Service Pack


Internet Information Services/Com+

244274 Client Certificates May Not Work with Windows 2000 - Site Server Membership Mapped Web Site

251007 Some Cluster Disks Are Not Available After Installing SP6

251063 Password Change Notification Incorrectly Notifies Accounts with No Password Expiration

255973 BUG: Exporting Application Proxy in COM+ Gives Export Application Error

256839 Long URL Requests or Parameters Are Not Logged When You Use ODBC Logging

258873 XFOR: Scheduled TURN does not work

259076 Cannot Add Users or Groups as Operators in Default FTP and Default Web Sites

259295 OXID bindings always contain same IP info

259760 Compression Is Not Enabled on POST Request

260353 FIX: Use of Java/COM Components in COM+ Enabled Systems Can Cause Delays

261004 Windows 2000 SP2 Hotfix (WinSE 5901)

262739 Can't Administer IIS by Using ADSI on Window NT 4.0 IIS 4.0 from Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 and Vice Versa

262999 FIX: Queued Components on an MSMQ Dependent Client May Cause Application Event Log Error

263607 New Activations of Remote COM Server May Not Work If Remote Server Has Been Rebooted

264030 ASP Returns "Include File Not Found" Error Message for Included Files on the UNC Connection

264573 IIS 5.0 May Cause an Access Violation in W3svc.dll When You Use DAV

264908 Error Message: HTTP 403.15 - Forbidden: Client Access Licenses Exceeded

265363 FIX: Extra IComInstanceEvents::OnObjectCreate Notifications Are Sent

265367 FIX: IComActivityEvents::OnActivityCreate and IComActivityEvents::OnActivityDestroy Notifications Not Sent

265370 FIX: Process ID of COM+ System Application Not Returned by the IMtsGrp Interface

265376 FIX: Access Violation Calling CoCreateInstance()

265377 FIX: COM+ Transient Subscription Not Found in TransientSubscription Collection

265379 FIX: Memory Leak When Calling Between Configured Components

265386 FIX: COM+ Application Proxy Export Includes System Dynamic-Link Library (DLL)

267831 Event ID 2003 Warning Message Logged When Loading Performance Counters

269242 DCOM Bindings Not Updated When Dialing ISP

269285 FTP Server Fails to Open Data Connection

269476 FIX: COM+ Dispenser Manager Doesn't Close Pooled Resources

269477 INFO: Performance Enhancements in COM+ After Windows 2000 SP1

269479 FIX: Extended Error Information Is Lost When Calling In-Process Neutral Thread Model Components

269862 Patch Released for Canonicalization Error Issue

271456 IIS 4.0 Causes Heap Corruption in CGI Application

271675 INFO: Post Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 COM+ Rollup Hotfix 2

273735 INFO: Fix List for the Microsoft Virtual Machine Build 3316

274294 FPSE2000: "Confirm Save. A More Recent Version of the Has Been Saved" Error Message When You Try to Save File in Web

274591 Server Resources Can Expire When Non-Administrative Users Run Performance Monitor for IIS

275157 FIX: Access Violation When You Activate a Pooled COM+ Component

275293 DLLHOST Process Ends When Transacted WSC Components Are Called from IIS

275455 INFO: Post Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 COM+ Rollup Hotfix 3

275482 FIX: COM+ 1.0 Catalog Requires NTLM-based Authentication

275537 Certificate Object GetMapping Call Fails When Index Is Greater than 9

276489 Patch Available for Web Server Folder Traversal Vulnerability

277007 INFO: Fix List for the Microsoft Virtual Machine Build 3319

277632 Memory Leak in Inetinfo.exe When Using the ADs IIS Provider

277774 Post Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 COM+ Rollup Hotfix 5 Is Available

277821 Access Violation When You Migrate MTS Application to COM+

277873 Patch Available for 'Web Server File Request Parsing' Vulnerability

278511 Patch Available for ActiveX Parameter Validation Vulnerability

279207 Access Violation in Inetinfo.exe When Quitting IIS During Heavy Usage

279731 Hotfixes in Q279207 and Q264268 May Cause a Windows File Protection Error if Computer Is Not Restarted

280322 FPSE: Patch for Malformed Web Form Submission Security Vulnerability

287030 INFO: Fix List for the Microsoft Virtual Machine Build 3802

289737 Passing IStorage Pointer to Local COM Server and Calling IStorage::CopyTo May Result in "0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT)"

290425 BUG: COM+ object passing a struct defined as an [out] parameter causes AV

290612 BUG: Event ID: 5 "Error While Reading Default Settings. Please Do Regsvr32 Asp.dll"


262286 Windows 2000 Direct and Indirect Printing over Infrared Port May Not Work

262288 Exchange 5.5 KMS Does Not Work with Windows 2000 Certificate Server in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain

262326 Slow Performance Writing to Disk and Temporary Files Stay Open

263490 Reserved for WinSE:7129 (Win2000 SP3 Hotfix)

267859 SMTP Pickup Places Invalid Addresses Into Badmail

268843 INFO: Post Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 COM+ Rollup Hotfix 1

268856 LCE not handling dead subscribers correctly

269468 Queueing remote subscriptions fails

269474 SPM Objects don't aggregate FTM

274063 Reserved for WinSE:5569

274065 Windows 2000 SMTP Service Returns a Protocol Error with Lotus Notes Client and Clear Text Authentication

274417 SMTP Service Hangs When Handling Many Domains

275158 Mtxoci incorrectly gives ORA-000 Errors

275178 SMTP Returns an NDR on MX Records with an IP Address Instead of an A Record

275441 ObjectContext Item Collection Empty When Debugging Under COM+

275442 Placeholder for WinSERAID#11478

290160 Exchange Server Is Using 10 Percent of CPU Resources on Windows 2000

290725 Exchange Server Stops Responding After Sending SMTP Message with Large Message ID

290791 Registry Keys Available to Enable Outlook Express PlugUI Components in Internet Explorer 5.01 SP2

292768 Fatal Error on SMTP Server When Receiving Mail from Sendmail

292771 Access Violation in Inetinfo During NNTP Replication Between Newsfeed and Public Folder

292772 Though Stopped, Default NNTP Virtual Server Starts Again When the Computer Restarts

292774 Must Specify Domain at Each Logon with Network News Transport Protocol

292775 Downloading SMTP Messages Through NNTP Causes Database Fragmentation

292776 "Not Enough Storage" Error Message When You View Properties of Virtual Directories After Deleting an ACE

292777 Access Violation Error When Using Server Event Objects on Exchange 2000 Server

294175 Slow Mail Performance and Notification of Delay When You Send Mail to Another Domain

295086 BUG: MSDTC is limited to 16 nodes in single distributed transaction

296720 B1SS: SP2: IIS faults on startup if IWAM_ account's password exceeds 14 characters

296986 SP2: Need to add CLSID to make Win2K SP2 compatible with Exchange 2000


222043 Roaming Profile Folders Do Not Allow Administrative Access

254133 FIX: Major Version of Type Library Causes Export Application Proxy to Fail

257760 Event Message 3101: Unable to Read IO Control Information from NBT Device

260834 System Monitor Displays Incorrect Volume Size When Disk Is Mounted But Not Assigned a Drive Letter

263119 Access Violation in WinMgmt Service

263693 Group Policy May Not Be Applied to Users Belonging to Many Groups

263876 DNS Caches Last Negative Response Returned on Multihomed Server

264628 Inetinfo May Generate Access Violation or Heap Check Debug Break Point During Shutdown

264629 Adding a Counter with PdhAddCounter() Causes Access Violation in WMI

266254 WMI WDM Provider Rejects Instance Data From Driver

266382 BUG: HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH Environment Variables Not Set in Windows Installer

268151 Average Disk Transfer Counters That Are Saved in Perfmon4.exe Log File and Do Not Show Data in System Monitor

268715 WMI Query Support for Win32_Group Is Not Optimized

268881 WMI Event 43 Generated After Changing System Default Locale

269523 Service Control Manager Named Pipe Impersonation Vulnerability

269738 Differences Between "Bytes Sent/Sec" and "Bytes Received/Sec" Counters

270037 Policy Restrictions on Drives Cause Unnecessary Error Message at Logon and in File Dialog Box

270674 New WMI Capacity Planning Data for NTLM Events

271596 FIX: Applications Do Not Run from Network When Source Path Changes

272022 Mstask.exe Does Not Run Scheduled Jobs

273473 Read-Only Files Cause Roaming Profile Update to NetWare Server Not to Work

273653 Smlogsvc.exe Does Not Release Resources When You Are Using Performance Monitor Alerts

273773 WMI/WDM Provider Hangs with Large Data Blocks

273867 User Interface Is Incorrect for Alerts in System Monitor

274062 Windows 2000-Based Clients Cannot Use GSSAPI to Delegate to Kerberos Servers

274578 WMI Cannot Maintain Temporary Event Filter Registration

274599 Event Performance Issue When Polling Large Objects with WMI

275310 Setting Permissions on Windows 2000 Clients in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain May Take a Long Time

275506 Access to the Desktop Is Granted Before Logon Scripts Complete

275659 Corrupted Performance Counters May Disappear or Be Unavailable to Perfmon

275857 Performance Monitor Does Not Show All Counters in a Log File on a Different Computer

276451 Performance Monitor May Display Incorrect Data When You Log Data from Multiple Computers

276469 Unable to Enumerate Instances By Using WBEM_FLAG_DIRECT_READ

277884 WMI Win32NetworkAdapterConfiguration Methods May Not Execute Properly

278941 WMI Event Consumers May Not Receive Notifications from Out-Of-Process Providers

278952 WMI Sink Interface Methods May Return Invalid Error Codes

279094 Patching Transforms May Give 2250 Error Message

279229 Cannot Run Commerce Server 2000 COM Objects as Isolated in IIS

281094 System Monitor Shows Only the First Instance of a Program

281492 Windows Installer Allows Files To Be Written to NTFS Protected Directories

282879 FIX: Windows Installer Stops Responding Intermittently When Running Custom Actions

285900 Access Violation in MMC When You Resize the Panes

288337 Only First Key Distribution Center in a Configured Kerberos Realm Is Used

289157 Clicking the "Authentication" Button in NNTP Protocol in Exchange System Manager Does Not Open "Authentication" Dialog Box

289158 Error Messages About User Profile Appear in Several Logon Situations

289181 Installing a WMI-Enabled Program Generates No Events

289183 WMI Polling Query in Namespace with No Previous Event Activity Results in Access Violation

289197 An Access Violation Occurs If You Click in "File Server for Macintosh Properties" Dialog Box

289198 Changing Description of FSM Creator Results in Access Violation

289199 Domain Accepts Blank Server Name When Adding File Server for Macintosh

292766 WMI Automation Interfaces May Cause Unpredictable Program Shutdowns and Data Loss

292767 Add/Remove Programs Dialog Box Becomes Corrupted in Non-U.S. Versions

296742 2351 and 2355 Internal Errors When Installing Software from CD-ROM

292785 Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 Fixes for Stress-Induced Issues

MDAC/Data Access

247757 FIX: Connection Leak Using Parameterized Command In ADO

264701 FIX: Passing ADO Recordset ByRef Resets Error Information

268107 ESE Hangs Following Rollback After JetPrepareUpdate

269688 Cannot Access Some Msxml Methods with Czech or Slovak Regional Settings

271177 FIX: Unable To Repair Password Protected Database Through ODBC Control Panel

271461 FIX: "Method 'Recordset' of object 'IAdodc' Failed" Error Message with ADO Data Control

272373 FIX: Access Violation Occurs When Closing ADO Recordset In Multithreaded Application

273772 FIX: Memory Leak in Jet ODBC Driver with SQL_NUMERIC or SQL_C_BINARY Data

276375 Error Message with Distributed Queries When Using ADO

296970 Performance Problems on Domain Controller If Clients Use Integrated Logon

279515 Acc2000: BigInt Datatype Incorrectly Mapped to Binary When Linked to SQL Server 2000 Table

296730 PRB: SP2: Inclusion of MDAC 2.5 SP2 in the release of Win2K SP2

296981 SP2SS: ESENT: Failure on Jet recovery leads to database corruption


271370 FIX: MSMQ: Using EnableNotification in COM+ causes Incorrect deactivation of object

271646 MSMQ: Messages Sent with Direct=TCP May Be Rejected After IP Change on Target Computer

272202 MSMQ Deadlock in QM on Multiprocessor Routing Server with Connector

277990 FIX: MSMQ Performance Degradation Occurs on Connector Application Computer

279130 FIX: MSMQ: Messages stuck in outgoing queue waiting for ack when remote queue deleted

296734 SP2SS: IDSSS ITG: BSOD: 2195 SP1 Stop 0x44 up from mqac!ACDeviceControl+0xc78

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/8/2006
Keywords:kbinfo KB282524