PRB: PCMCIA Custom Interface Causes Error 7 in Device Manager (280073)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows 98 Driver Development Kit (DDK)

This article was previously published under Q280073


On a Microsoft Windows 98-based computer, a PCMCIA device may fail to start. When you view Device Manager, the device shows error code 7.


One reason a PCMCIA device can receive error code 7 is if the device's tuple specifies a Custom Interface Type. The Pccard.vxd file examines Configuration Table Entry Tuples (CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY = 1Bh) for their specified Interface Type.

The Interface Type is identified in the lower byte of the Interface Description Field (TPCE_IF). If the Interface Type = 08h, Pccard.vxd treats the interface as a custom interface, and attempts to query the socket services driver to see if it supports this interface. The standard socket drivers supplied with Windows 98 do not support this interface, which causes Pccard.vxd to fail the CONFIG_FILTER message.


Do not specify a custom interface in the Configuration Table Entry Tuple unless the socket services driver specifically supports the custom interface.


This behavior is by design.


Windows 98 Driver Development Kit (DDK) Documentation

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:3/2/2001
Keywords:kbDSupport kbprb KB280073