List of Bugs That Are Fixed in SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 4 (280058)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP4
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP1
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP2
  • Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP3

This article was previously published under Q280058


This article contains a list of the article numbers for bugs that were fixed in SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4). Service packs are cumulative. This means that the bugs that are fixed in a service pack are also fixed in subsequent service packs. Click the Qxxxxxx number that precedes the title of the bug fix article to view the article about that bug. For additional information on the bugs that are fixed in previous service packs, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

236364 List of Fixes in SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 3

188070 List of Bugs Fixed in SNA Server 4.0 Service Packs 1 and 2

For additional information on obtaining SNA Server 4.0 service packs, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

215838 How to Obtain the Latest SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack


SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4)

For additional information, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

279260 Asynchronous ACTIVATE/DEACTIVATE_SESSION May Complete Three Times

278617 Blank Pages or Access Violation with LU3 Print Jobs

278457 Intermittent Hangs in Inetinfo with Microsoft SNA DB2 Provider

278331 COMTI: Deallocate Issued to Host for Every COMTI Transaction

278245 Four-Part Linked Server Queries Through DB2OLEDB May Cause an Exception or Slow Performance

278242 DB2OLEDB Provider Incorrectly Maps Isolation Levels

278228 INSERTS and DELETES from ACCESS to a DB2 Linked Table May Fail

277988 COMTI: Memory Leak When Using TCP/IP MS Link Component

277928 Snaservr.exe Access Violation in Functions S1ppiusn and S1ppstad

277894 Consecutive Inserts to DB2 from SQL Server by way of Linked Server Fail

277871 Linked Server SELECT's to DB2/400 Tables with a DBCS Character Field Fail

276481 SNA Server Does Not Send LU Name in NMVT for DDDLU

276476 TN3270 Cannot Restrict Access Through Ports for Specific Requests

276470 Dynamically Defined LUs Show Pending Status After PU Recycled

276460 Internal Record Error Opening HIS 2000 Com.cfg with SNA 4.0

276453 Dynamically Defined Dependent LU Support for Printer LUs

276446 Branch Servers That Use DLS Use Dynamic Port for SnaBase Connection

276330 TN3270 Connection Requests Fail Over Slow Links

276288 WritePrinter() Error Recovery with SNA Server Print Service

276273 Remote Administration Is Not Supported in Multiple Master Domains

276265 AS/400 Print Jobs May Print Blank Pages after Job End

276264 Zero Byte Files When You Print to a File with ByPass GDI Selected

276260 User Record Is Not Updated If Remote LU Alias Is Removed

276242 SNA Service Table Objects Increased from 1 KB to 4 KB

276232 SNARAS Connections Fail with Events 101 and 201

276230 SNA Server Incorrectly Formats the First Line of Page

276218 Win9x 3270 Client May Not Unload from Memory on Microsoft Windows 98

276213 Spurious Pop-up Messages When You Insert a New Link Service

276209 Print Session Timeout Problems When You Set a Large Time-Out Value

276200 BUG: ADO Application May Hang When You Use OLE DB Provider for DB2

276199 SNA Manager (Snaexp.exe) Trapping in CSnaOleObj::CreateObject or CTN3270AddressItem::`RTTI Complete Object Locator'

276196 NMVT Power Off Now Supported in SNA Server

276068 SNA Server Traps When Sending "Session Deactivated Event"

276053 5250 Applet Uses Wrong Conversion Table for Host Code Page 870

276047 Application Exception in DMODInitReceiveAllocate

276045 Telnet IP+DM Is Ignored If TN3270 Server Is Already Queuing Data

276037 SNA Server Access Violation After Logging Event 3

276036 SNA Server Retrieves Incorrect Net Name from XID

276026 SNA Print Server May Insert Extra Form Feed

276022 Windows 95 and Window 98 Client Fails to Use Multiple Firewall Entries

275908 COMTI: Need to Define a Decimal Data Type with More Than 18 Digits

275896 SNA Server Rejects TN3270 Client Data with Sense Code 200D

275870 Erroneous Query by Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT SNA Client Causes DNS Event Errors

275865 COMTI Event 104 HRESULT 0x8007000e When You Use Recordsets

275864 COMTI TOR/AOR Changes

275722 APPC Hot Backup Application Slow To Recover When Primary Fails

275718 SNA Server Manager May Stop Responding When You Quit the Program

275711 SNACFG Incorrectly Uses Long File Names

275710 TN3270 Does Not Handle CD Field Properly During Error Recovery

275709 Event 108 When You Cancel CPI-C CMALLC Verb

275708 TN3270E Bracket Error Because of Race Condition

275669 ODBC Driver for DB2 Truncates Binary Data Flow That Includes NULLs

275630 INSERTS from DTS to DB2 Through OLE DB Provider for DB2 May Not Work Correctly

275565 Multiple-Threaded 3270/LUA Application May Stop Responding (Hang) Opening LU

275479 Access Violation in 5250 Application While in TN5250 Mode

275469 APPC Load Balancing May Fail to Choose "Best" SNA Server

275366 Restarting APPC Print Sessions Results in a Pending Status

275280 Workstation Definitions That Use MAC Addresses Fail on Windows 2000

274185 LocalLU Is Documented Incorrectly in CPIC SDK Online Help

274179 TN3270/TN5250 Port Values Limited to Four Digits in SNA Manager

274160 FIX: Four-Part Inserts to DB2 Through LinkedServer Fails

273975 Opening Multiple SLI Sessions May Cause Some to Stop Responding (Hang)

268266 TN3270 Print Session Stops Responding When Host Sends a SHUTD Command

268171 TN3270 Application May Process a Screen of Host Data Twice

267993 Access Violation in Snatrc.dll When You Enable CPI-C API Traces

267902 Applications Fail to Receive Data When Opening LUA LU

265792 DB2OLEDB Leaks Memory When Stored Procedure Returns Large VarChar

264526 Snaoledb.dll Init Fails When the CoInitializeEx Multithreaded Function Is Used

263096 ACTIVATE_SESSION Event Not Signaled When the Session Ends

262991 All 3270 Clients Stop Responding When Snaservr.exe Starts

262573 Japanese CICS File Transfer Fails with 3270 Applet

262473 LU 6.2 Data Compression Fails When Initiated by Host System

262017 Memory Leak in TN3270 Service When You Print Through TN3270 Emulator Session

261290 3270 Applet Causes Access Violation Error Message in Win3270.exe

260988 Capture RE Fails When You Use TCP/IP MS LINK Component

259701 Extra Lines Appear in LU3 Print Job When You Use PDT

259293 Allocate Request May Stop Responding When Host Rejects SNASVCMG BIND

259251 Host Security Unattended Install Sets Wrong Domain for Service Account

259195 Cannot Control COMMIT or ROLLBACK Commands When You Use ADO with DB2 and Stored Procedures

259149 SNA Server Selects Bad Dependent APPC LU from Default Pool

259085 MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge: Reducing Polling Traffic from Windows NT to MQSeries

259045 MSMQ_MQSeries Bridge: Translating Windows NT Machine Names That Contain Hyphens

258993 Perflib Event 1009 Occurs When You Open COMTI Performance Monitor

258972 TN3270 Display Session Can be Opened Even If Associated Printer Is In Use

258252 TN5250 Clients Stop Responding When TN5250 Fails to Issue RECEIVE_AND_WAIT

257765 SNA DDM Service Fails with an Access Violation When Too Many Tables Open

257759 TN5250 Service Ends Unexpectedly When Client Disconnects

256906 SNA Server Fails Unexpectedly with Access Violation in S1PROLU6

255173 Applet Stops Responding at Blank Screen When Connecting with TN3270E

254662 Event ID 5: TN5250 Generates Dr. Watson with a Fault in DbgBreakPoint

254015 SNA Server Access Violation During Single Sign-On Processing

254000 SNA Server Access Violation Occurs after Dynamically Adding 3270 LUs

253556 FIX: Bridge Service Fails to Create Queue with MQ_ERROR_OBJECT_SERVER_NOT_AVAILABLE Error Message

253206 Active TN3270 Clients Might Hang Unexpectedly

253102 COMTI Returns ADO Recordset That Cannot Be Sorted

252837 Exception in DbgBreakPoint with TN5250 Service

250395 Stopping TN3270 LU from SNA Manager Fails to Clean Out the Session

249971 Windows NT SNA Client Truncates FQDN in OtherServers Registry Parameter

249970 Print Server May Send CR and LF in Wrong Order

249967 LU1 Print Job Loses the First Line When DelayPrintStart Is Implemented

249960 COBOL Definitions with Multiple FILLER Fields Do Not Import Properly When You Use the COMTI COBOL Wizard

248498 Win32 CPIC Application May Stop Unexpectedly

248401 User May Override Mapping Is Not Enforced Centrally

247816 Some SNA Print Sessions May Remain Pending When Autostarted

247332 IBM PCOM 5250 Fails on Windows 95/98 after a 3270/FMI Session Is Closed

247320 Host User ID Can be Edited When "User May Override Mapping" Is Disabled

246794 Invokable APPC/CPI-C TP May Fail Intermittently with Event 60

246004 5250 and 3270 Applets Do Not Find SNA Server

245573 Display Verb Returns Unexpected Results When Channel Connections Are Used

245487 APPC Program Never Retries New Local LU From Pool

245460 5250 Numeric Keypad ENTER Key Produces Space Character

245453 TN3270 Server Access Violation in Mngext!MngDeleteObject()

245429 Win5250 Problem Exiting AS/400 Screen With Function Key

244792 OLE/DB for DB2 Error: Could Not Resolve the Specified Host Name

244262 OLE DB Provider/ODBC Driver for DB2 May Break Access/Jet Applications

243917 SNA Workstation 4.0 Access Violation When SnaBase Ends

243784 SNARAS Traces Continually Grow in Size If Left Enabled

243388 Shared Folders Connections Fail Using Same User ID with Different Passwords

242987 Host Security Domain Disappears from SNA Server Manager

242876 Access Violation in SNA Host Account Cache (SNAUDB) Service

241991 TN3270 Emulator Displays Corrupted Data

241408 WIN5250 Applet Incorrectly Displays Error Messages on Line 24

241320 LU Has Blank Status after Connection Move to Another SNA Server

240762 Password Synch Fails after Promoting Backup SNAPMP Service

240676 Cannot Use ODO As a Return Value for Method's Recordset in CICS LINK and MSLINK Programming Models

239861 SNA Server Host Print Service Supports 1,024 3270 Print Sessions

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/10/2003
Keywords:kbfix kbSNA400sp4fix KB280058