BackOffice Server 2000 and Small Business Server 2000 ETRN Warning in "Component Messages" Dialog Box During Setup (279517)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Small Business Server 2000
  • Microsoft BackOffice Server 2000

This article was previously published under Q279517


When you are installing BackOffice Server 2000 or Small Business Server (SBS) 2000, you may receive one of the following warnings on the Component Messages dialog box at the end of Setup:
Unable to apply QFE Q279517 because the language of the operating system and BackOffice Server do not match. This QFE is necessary to use the TURN feature of Exchange 2000 Server. For information about installing the QFE for your language, refer to the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site at:
Unable to apply Microsoft Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) patch Q279517 because SMTP is not installed. This QFE patch is required to use the TURN feature of Exchange 2000 Server. If you install SMTP, you must also install QFE Q279517 from CD-ROM_drive\bkoffice\i386\WIN2K_SP1\WIN2KETRNQFE.EXE. For information about installing this QFE patch, refer to the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site at:


This problem can occur if one of the following criteria is met:
  • You are attempting to install a version of BackOffice Server 2000 or SBS 2000 that is a different language version than your existing Microsoft Windows 2000 Server installation (for example, the English-language version of SBS 2000 installed on a computer that is running a German-language version of Windows 2000 Server).
  • The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service is not installed.
  • Setup is unable to locate the Smtpsvc.dll file.
  • The Smtpsvc.dll file is corrupted.
  • The Smtpsvc.dll file is an unexpected version.


A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem that this article describes. Apply it only to systems that are experiencing this specific problem.

To resolve this problem, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to obtain the hotfix. For a complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services telephone numbers and information about support costs, visit the following Microsoft Web site:Note In special cases, charges that are ordinarily incurred for support calls may be canceled if a Microsoft Support Professional determines that a specific update will resolve your problem. The usual support costs will apply to additional support questions and issues that do not qualify for the specific update in question.

The English version of this fix should have the following file attributes or later:
   Date      Time        Version         Size        File name  
   6/08/00   1:27:20PM   5.0.2195.2096   407.00 KB   Smtpsvc.dll
   5/19/00   1:36:20PM   5.0.2195.2096     3.50 KB   Spmsg.dll


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.


TURN, ATRN, and ETRN are SMTP processes that you can use to poll a remote SMTP host intermittently for mail that is destined for a specific domain. This is common in small businesses that do not have a permanent connection to the Internet. Because of this, Microsoft Exchange is set to dial in to the Internet service provider (ISP) to download SMTP mail at scheduled intervals.

When the SMTP connector is connected, it sends a TURN, ATRN, or ETRN request (which one depends on your configuration) to the remote server and removes from the queues any SMTP mail that is requested by the command that was issued. This fix corrects the problem that occurs if there is not any outgoing mail and SMTP fails to send an EHLO (extended HELO) to the remote server. As a result, the TURN, ATRN, or ETRN request is denied and the server is in a state where the SMTP service stops responding (hang).

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/19/2005
Keywords:kbHotfixServer kbQFE kbbug kbfix kbQFE kbsetup KB279517