PRB: "Catalog Import in Progress" Message Appears After SQL Server Connection Ends During a Catalog Import (277486)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Commerce Server 2000

This article was previously published under Q277486


If the Microsoft SQL Server connection ends or you stop the SQL Server service during a catalog import, a message box that states "Import process has been started successfully!" appears in the Business Desk Catalog editor. In addition, the message "catalog import in progress" appears below the content pane. This message is not cleared even after you restore the connection to SQL Server.


For every import that you attempt, a row is added to the catalog status table in the database, which the catalog resource uses. When an import fails, the Enddate field contains a NULL value.


To resolve this problem, use Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer to manually delete the record from the catalog status table.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior

  1. In the BizDesk Catalog editor, import a catalog.
  2. While you import the catalog, stop the SQL Server service or end the SQL Server connection.
  3. Restart or reconnect to SQL Server. The message "catalog import in progress" still appears below the content pane and will not go away.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:10/17/2002
Keywords:kbDSupport kbprb KB277486