XFOR: Message Text from SNADS Is Received As an Attachment (265330)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5

This article was previously published under Q265330


By default, Microsoft Exchange Server's connector for System Network Architecture Distribution Services (SNADS) formats the body of a message from a SNADS system as a text attachment.


To change this behavior so that the message text is received in the body of a message, remove the comment (;) tag and change the value for "FinalDocInBody=" from No to Yes in the [LME-SNADS] section of the Exchconn.ini file:
    title = Microsoft Exchange Connector for SNADS
    addresstype = SNADS
    ; below are set so the user is prompted to enter the non default values
    localrgn    =
    localren    =MPLNT3
    partnerrgn  =
    partnerren  =AGCHEMA
    locallu     = MPLNT3
    partnerlu   = AGCHEMA
    modename    =MSX
    nodename    =MPLNT3
    NumAttempts = 0
    TimeOut     = 60
    maxnumhops  = 10
    inputq      = snads.in
    outputq     = dia2mex.in
    dbgdir      = traces
    ; default parameters
    ;MapCODtoRRN = No
    ;MapRRNtoCOD = No
    ; The following line was changed from FinalDocInBody=No to
    ; FinalDocInBody=Yes to prevent msg body from SNADS coming as 
    ; attachment
    ; FinalDocInBody=No is the default setting
    FinalDocInBody = Yes
    ;sendattach = Yes
    ;hostnoterightmargin = 78
    ;ctfilename = tables\ct2
    ;ctcompressmaxdelay = 5
    ;autoregfilename = tables\SNADSreg
    ;autoregistration = Yes


Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:4/25/2005
Keywords:kbinfo kbsetup KB265330