WebTV Tray Icon Doesn't Change As Expected When Put in "Pause Services" Mode (261640)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition

This article was previously published under Q261640


When you place your Microsoft WebTV program in the Pause Services mode, the WebTV for Windows icon in the System Tray may not indicate a changed state.

You expect to see a red line through the WebTV icon in the System Tray, or some other visual indication of the program's paused status.


To work around this behavior, right-click the WebTV for Windows icon in the System Tray; here you find verification as to whether WebTV is paused or not paused.


The WebTV icon in the System Tray does not show the program's status as paused or not. Instead, the ToolTip changes, but the icon in the System Tray does not indicate a status change.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:1/14/2006
Keywords:kbnofix kbprb KB261640