SMS: Changing or Adding a Record Selection Formula in Crystal Reports (261233)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0

This article was previously published under Q261233


This article describes how to modify the record selection for a report when you are using the Crystal Info for Systems Management Server (SMS) snap-in.


To modify the record selection of a report, use one of the following methods.

Method 1

Right-click the report name, click All Tasks, and then click Modify Report. The Info Report Designer tool starts and you can edit the report.

To edit the selection formula, click Report, click Edit Selection Formula on the File menu, and then click Record. For record selection syntax, refer to the Info Report Designer Help.

NOTE: If you modify the record selection formula and save the report without renaming it, you permanently modify the report file. If you want to save the original file, save the modified file with a different file name and then add a new report object to the Crystal Info for SMS snap-in. For more information about adding reports to the Crystal Info for SMS snap-in, refer to the SMS Help.

Method 2

To reschedule the report, right-click the report name in the Crystal Info for SMS snap-in, click All Tasks, and then click Schedule Report. On the Selection Formula tab, click Edit Selection Formula to type a selection statement.

Sample Record Selection Formula

A record selection is composed of a field name, an operator, and a value. For example, if a report contains a customer name table and you want records that contain only the customer name John Smith, the record selection formula is:

{TableName.CustomerName} = "John Smith"

In this sample selection formula:
  • {TableName.CustomerName} is the field name
  • = (equal sign) is the operator
  • "John Smith" is the value you want to include
For more detailed information about all the operators and functions available, refer to the Info Report Designer Help.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/14/2005
Keywords:kbBug kbConfig kbinfo kbinterop kbQuery kbReport kbServer kbsmsAdmin KB261233